environmental economics Crossword Puzzles

Schulfächer 2019-10-17

Schulfächer crossword puzzle
  1. civics
  2. French
  3. science
  4. chemistry
  5. economics
  6. biology
  7. physics
  1. computer technology
  2. environmental science
  3. wood/workshop
  4. home economics/cooking
  5. German
  6. geography
  7. art
  8. English
  9. history
  10. PE

17 Clues: PEartGermancivicsFrenchEnglishsciencehistorybiologyphysicsgeographychemistryeconomicswood/workshopcomputer technologyenvironmental sciencehome economics/cooking

chapter 20-21 2023-02-23

chapter 20-21 crossword puzzle
  1. epidemiology
  2. pathogens
  3. dose
  4. environmental statement
  5. host
  6. dose-response
  7. lobbying
  8. vectors
  1. sustainability
  2. particulates
  3. riskassessment
  4. toxicology
  5. economics

13 Clues: dosehostvectorslobbyingpathogenseconomicstoxicologyepidemiologyparticulatesdose-responsesustainabilityriskassessmentenvironmental statement

chapter 20-21 2023-02-23

chapter 20-21 crossword puzzle
  1. toxicology
  2. riskassessment
  3. particulates
  4. pathogens
  5. host
  6. epidemiology
  1. economics
  2. dose-response
  3. lobbying
  4. dose
  5. sustainability
  6. vectors
  7. environmental statement

13 Clues: dosehostvectorslobbyingeconomicspathogenstoxicologyparticulatesepidemiologydose-responseriskassessmentsustainabilityenvironmental statement

Environmental Science Chapter 2 2018-09-07

Environmental Science Chapter 2 crossword puzzle
  1. environmental protection agency
  2. interprets the law
  3. migrating ____ travel across international borders on land and in the oceans
  4. In the 1960's and 19870's were a time of major advances in environmental _____
  5. a producer will____ the price and supply of a product when the demand is HIGH
  6. study of how resources are converted into goods and services
  7. products explain on their labels how the products were grown, harvested, or manufactured
  8. both the government and individuals play roles in this type of economy
  9. type of environmental issue that involves more than 1 nation
  10. CAPT'N ______
  11. when demand is low, the seller may drop the price and slow __
  1. environmental economics argue sustainability when _____ are addressed
  2. a government determines the overall amount of pollution it will accept for a specific pollutant and issues a permit for emission of a fraction of this amount
  3. founded in 1945, and consisted of 50 nations
  4. type of analysis where you compare the sacrifice and gains by a specific action
  5. type of economy where the individual decides what, how, and how much is made
  6. the EPA protects environmental _________
  7. environmental impact statement
  8. Founded in 1944 and owned by 186 nations
  9. established in 1995 to promote free trade and enforces fair trade practices
  10. amount of product offered for sale

21 Clues: CAPT'N ______interprets the lawenvironmental impact statementenvironmental protection agencyamount of product offered for salethe EPA protects environmental _________Founded in 1944 and owned by 186 nationsfounded in 1945, and consisted of 50 nationsstudy of how resources are converted into goods and services...

Economics Crossword Puzzle 2021-02-04

Economics Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. economics concerned with large-scale or general economic factors, such as interest rates and national productivity
  2. unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims
  3. theory or practice of shielding a country's domestic industries from foreign competition by taxing imports
  4. entities, discrete, officially-delineated geographical area within a particular, independent sovereign state
  5. balance of trade, difference between the value of a country's exports and the value of its imports such that imports exceed exports
  6. Economics, refers to the dominant school of thought for economics in the 18th and 19th centuries
  7. surplus, amount by which the value of a country's exports exceeds the cost of its imports
  8. economics, sub-field of economics concerned with environmental issues
  1. general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money
  2. balance of trade, positive situation where a country exports more goods and services than what it imports
  3. economics concerned with single factors and the effects of individual decisions
  4. proliferation, spread of nuclear weapons, fissionable material, and weapons-applicable nuclear technology and information to nations not recognized as "Nuclear Weapon States"
  5. finance, study of the role of the government in the economy
  6. economics, economic study of urban areas; as such, it involves using the tools of economics to analyze urban issues such as crime, education, public transit, housing, and local government finance
  7. relations, study of the interaction of nation-states and non-governmental organizations in fields such as politics, economics, and security
  8. supply, total value of money available in an economy at a point of time
  9. of payments, difference between all money flowing into the country in a particular period of time and the outflow of money to the rest of the world
  10. economic theory that trade generates wealth and is stimulated by the accumulation of profitable balances, which a government should encourage by means of protectionism
  11. business conducted or services offered by a bank
  12. economics, seeks to understand the functioning and dynamics of the markets for wage labor

20 Clues: business conducted or services offered by a bankfinance, study of the role of the government in the economygeneral increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of moneyeconomics, sub-field of economics concerned with environmental issuessupply, total value of money available in an economy at a point of time...

Economics Crossword Puzzle 2023-06-22

Economics Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. economics concerned with large-scale or general economic factors, such as interest rates and national productivity
  2. unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims
  3. theory or practice of shielding a country's domestic industries from foreign competition by taxing imports
  4. entities, discrete, officially-delineated geographical area within a particular, independent sovereign state
  5. balance of trade, difference between the value of a country's exports and the value of its imports such that imports exceed exports
  6. Economics, refers to the dominant school of thought for economics in the 18th and 19th centuries
  7. surplus, amount by which the value of a country's exports exceeds the cost of its imports
  8. economics, sub-field of economics concerned with environmental issues
  1. general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money
  2. balance of trade, positive situation where a country exports more goods and services than what it imports
  3. economics concerned with single factors and the effects of individual decisions
  4. proliferation, spread of nuclear weapons, fissionable material, and weapons-applicable nuclear technology and information to nations not recognized as "Nuclear Weapon States"
  5. finance, study of the role of the government in the economy
  6. economics, economic study of urban areas; as such, it involves using the tools of economics to analyze urban issues such as crime, education, public transit, housing, and local government finance
  7. relations, study of the interaction of nation-states and non-governmental organizations in fields such as politics, economics, and security
  8. supply, total value of money available in an economy at a point of time
  9. of payments, difference between all money flowing into the country in a particular period of time and the outflow of money to the rest of the world
  10. economic theory that trade generates wealth and is stimulated by the accumulation of profitable balances, which a government should encourage by means of protectionism
  11. business conducted or services offered by a bank
  12. economics, seeks to understand the functioning and dynamics of the markets for wage labor

20 Clues: business conducted or services offered by a bankfinance, study of the role of the government in the economygeneral increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of moneyeconomics, sub-field of economics concerned with environmental issuessupply, total value of money available in an economy at a point of time...

Economics 2021-02-03

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. the proportion of unemployed people
  2. a field of economics that studies the evaluates social wellbeing
  3. economics concerned with large-scale factors
  4. products in demand
  5. limited natural, human, and capital resources
  6. field of economics dealing with wage labor marker
  1. field of economics dealing with the financial impact of environmental policies
  2. exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders
  3. an economic activity
  4. an increase in prices and fall of purchasing value of money
  5. the amount by which the value of a country's exports exceeds the cost of its impacts
  6. economics concerned with individual decisions
  7. field of economics dealing with agricultural production and distribution
  8. an economic service that manages financial transactions
  9. the study of the role of the government in the economy

15 Clues: products in demandan economic activitythe proportion of unemployed peopleeconomics concerned with large-scale factorseconomics concerned with individual decisionslimited natural, human, and capital resourcesfield of economics dealing with wage labor markerthe study of the role of the government in the economy...

Environmental Economics 2023-05-31

Environmental Economics crossword puzzle
  1. the Earth heating up (two words)
  2. all types of material extracted from the ground to provide energy (two words)
  3. natural ways and places for capturing carbon (two words)
  4. a strong greenhouse gas produced by animals
  5. the alteration of the world's climate system (two words)
  6. the burning of material thrown away
  1. gases released into the air
  2. power and electricity obtained from wind
  3. the way land is used (two words)
  4. costs (sometimes benefits) that are not reflected in the price of goods and services
  5. forests being cleared
  6. energy created from fuels like uranium
  7. greenhouse gases
  8. the material created by households and industry that is thrown away
  9. the most common greenhouse gas

15 Clues: greenhouse gasesforests being clearedgases released into the airthe most common greenhouse gasthe Earth heating up (two words)the way land is used (two words)the burning of material thrown awayenergy created from fuels like uraniumpower and electricity obtained from winda strong greenhouse gas produced by animals...

Environmental Economics 2023-09-20

Environmental Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Materials and energy sources found in nature.
  2. The amount of product offered for sale at a given price.
  3. A social movement dedicated to protecting the natural world.
  4. Information gathered from an experiment.
  5. Resources made from dead plants and animals.
  6. Includes all the living and non-living thing with which organisms interact.
  7. The amount of product a person is willing to buy.
  1. Resources that are naturally replenished or renewed over short periods of time.
  2. Footprint The impact you have on the environment.
  3. Resources that are formed more slowly.
  4. The study of how resources are converted into goods and services.
  5. Negative outcome to a decision
  6. A testable prediction/Educated guess.
  7. Positive outcome to a decision
  8. Able to be maintained at a certain level or rate.

15 Clues: Negative outcome to a decisionPositive outcome to a decisionA testable prediction/Educated guess.Resources that are formed more slowly.Information gathered from an experiment.Resources made from dead plants and animals.Materials and energy sources found in nature.Footprint The impact you have on the environment....

Les Matieres Scholaires 2023-10-31

Les Matieres Scholaires crossword puzzle
  1. German
  2. Sociology
  3. Chemistry
  4. Dance
  5. Economics
  6. Spanish
  1. Environmental Sciences
  2. Calculus
  3. Algebra
  4. Spanish
  5. Arts
  6. Office Hours
  7. History

13 Clues: ArtsDanceGermanAlgebraSpanishHistorySpanishCalculusSociologyChemistryEconomicsOffice HoursEnvironmental Sciences

Economics 2021-02-10

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. finance, the study of the role of the government in the economy
  2. organizations, an organization established by a treaty or other instrument governed by international law and possessing its own international legal by personality
  3. economics, using the tools of economics to analyze urban issues such as crime, education, public transit, housing, and local government finance
  4. a branch of economics that studies the behavior of individuals and firms in making decisions regarding the allocation of scarce resources and the interactions among these individuals and firms.
  5. the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives
  6. the economic policy of restricting imports from other countries through methods such as tariffs on imported goods, import quotas, and a variety of other government regulations
  7. economics, an area of economics that studies the financial impact of environmental policies
  8. an economic policy that is designed to maximize the exports and minimize the imports for an economy
  9. economics, seeks to understand the functioning and dynamics of the markets for wage labor
  10. items that satisfy human wants and provide utility
  1. a branch of economics dealing with the performance, structure, behavior, and decision-making of an economy as a whole
  2. a financial institution that accepts deposits from the public and creates a demand deposit while simultaneously making loans
  3. trade, the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories because there is a need or want of goods or service
  4. growth, an increase in the production of goods and services over a specific period
  5. development, he process by which the economic well-being and quality of life of a nation, region, local community, or an individual are improved according to targeted goals and objectives
  6. a transaction in which no physical goods are transferred from the seller to the buyer
  7. conflict, religious violence or intolerance that may lead to war
  8. a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money
  9. surplus, an economic measure of a positive balance of trade, where a country's exports exceed its imports
  10. supply, total value of money available in an economy at a point of time

20 Clues: items that satisfy human wants and provide utilityfinance, the study of the role of the government in the economyconflict, religious violence or intolerance that may lead to wara general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of moneysupply, total value of money available in an economy at a point of time...

Economics 2021-02-10

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. a transaction in which no physical goods are transferred from the seller to the buyer
  2. items that satisfy human wants and provide utility
  3. economics, using the tools of economics to analyze urban issues such as crime, education, public transit, housing, and local government finance
  4. a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money
  5. a financial institution that accepts deposits from the public and creates a demand deposit while simultaneously making loans
  6. economics, seeks to understand the functioning and dynamics of the markets for wage labor
  7. economics, an area of economics that studies the financial impact of environmental policies
  8. conflict, religious violence or intolerance that may lead to war
  9. development, he process by which the economic well-being and quality of life of a nation, region, local community, or an individual are improved according to targeted goals and objectives
  10. an economic policy that is designed to maximize the exports and minimize the imports for an economy
  1. the economic policy of restricting imports from other countries through methods such as tariffs on imported goods, import quotas, and a variety of other government regulations
  2. a branch of economics that studies the behavior of individuals and firms in making decisions regarding the allocation of scarce resources and the interactions among these individuals and firms.
  3. trade, the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories because there is a need or want of goods or service
  4. finance, the study of the role of the government in the economy
  5. a branch of economics dealing with the performance, structure, behavior, and decision-making of an economy as a whole
  6. surplus, an economic measure of a positive balance of trade, where a country's exports exceed its imports
  7. organizations, an organization established by a treaty or other instrument governed by international law and possessing its own international legal by personality
  8. supply, total value of money available in an economy at a point of time
  9. growth, an increase in the production of goods and services over a specific period
  10. the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives

20 Clues: items that satisfy human wants and provide utilityfinance, the study of the role of the government in the economyconflict, religious violence or intolerance that may lead to wara general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of moneysupply, total value of money available in an economy at a point of time...

Environmental Economics 2020-11-17

Environmental Economics crossword puzzle
  1. If you include the externalities of the products, prices will _ _ _ _.
  2. Giving value to ecosystem services.
  3. Type of country with High GDP
  4. GPI - Written Out
  5. a state or situation in which something needed cannot be obtained in sufficient amounts
  6. Producers
  1. a side effect or consequence of an industrial or commercial activity that affects other parties without this being reflected in the cost of the goods or services involved
  2. Putting regulations on pollution rates, however allowing companies to trade unused pollution caps to companies that produce to much.
  3. an amount of something left over when requirements have been met; an excess of production or supply over demand
  4. Until your country is wealthy enough to think about the environment you won't.
  5. Consumers
  6. the point where the supply and demand curves meet
  7. Gross Domestic Product

13 Clues: ConsumersProducersGPI - Written OutGross Domestic ProductType of country with High GDPGiving value to ecosystem services.the point where the supply and demand curves meetIf you include the externalities of the products, prices will _ _ _ _.Until your country is wealthy enough to think about the environment you won't....

Economics Terms 2021-02-04

Economics Terms crossword puzzle
  1. history, the study of the economic aspects of societies in the past
  2. the study of the performance, structure, behavior, and decision-making of an economy as a whole.
  3. surplus, an economic measure of a positive balance of trade, where a country's exports exceed its imports.
  4. supply, the total amount of money—cash, coins, and balances in bank accounts—in circulation
  5. trade, the exchange of goods and services between countries
  6. economics, the study of the application of economic theory in optimizing the production and distribution of food and fiber.
  7. productive resources, limited natural, human, and capital resources used to make goods and services
  8. items that satisfy human wants and provide utility
  9. of payments, an accounting of a country's international transactions for a particular time period.
  10. balance of trade, when a nation imports more than it exports.
  11. finance, the study of the role of the government in the economy.
  12. economics, the study of the theoretical or empirical effects of environmental policies on the economy
  1. growth, an increase in the production of economic goods and services, compared from one period of time to another
  2. economics, the study of the labor force as an element in the process of production
  3. the study of the behavior of individuals and firms in making decisions regarding the allocation of scarce resources and the interactions among these individuals and firms
  4. economics, the economic study of urban areas; as such, it involves using the tools of economics to analyze urban issues
  5. development, the creation of wealth from which community benefits are realized.
  6. a transaction in which no physical goods are transferred from the seller to the buyer
  7. the business activity of accepting and safeguarding money owned by other individuals and entities, and then lending out this money
  8. the decline of purchasing power of a given currency over time

20 Clues: items that satisfy human wants and provide utilitytrade, the exchange of goods and services between countriesbalance of trade, when a nation imports more than it exports.the decline of purchasing power of a given currency over timefinance, the study of the role of the government in the economy....

Economics in Env Sci, part 1 2023-10-04

Economics in Env Sci, part 1 crossword puzzle
  1. to compare what will be sacrificed and gained by a specific action
  2. the field of economics that links environmental sustainability to economic costs
  3. amount of a product or service offered at a price
  4. the amount of a product people will buy at a given price if free to do so
  5. applies the principles of Earth's systems to economics
  1. a situation in which the market does not distribute resources efficiently
  2. the value that is not included in the price of a product or service
  3. the study of how resources are converted into goods and services and how these goods and services are distributed and used
  4. Tells consumers which brands are made with processes that do not harm the environment

9 Clues: amount of a product or service offered at a priceapplies the principles of Earth's systems to economicsto compare what will be sacrificed and gained by a specific actionthe value that is not included in the price of a product or servicea situation in which the market does not distribute resources efficiently...

CALS Crossword 2020-05-08

CALS Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Biological ________ Engineering
  2. ______ Agricultural Experiment Station
  3. ______ Health Certificate
  4. Science and Medicine Graduate Research _______
  5. Applied _______ Lab
  6. Food ______ Institute
  7. Dairy ____ Research Center
  8. Center for ______ Agricultural Systems
  9. Science of ______ Food and Beverages
  1. Wisconsin Crop _____ Center
  2. _____ and Forage Analysis Lab
  3. Agricultural and Applied _________
  4. College of ___ and Life Sciences
  5. OJ Noer _____ ARS
  6. Current Dean of CALS
  7. Community and _______ Sociology
  8. Forest and _____ Ecology
  9. Farm and _____ Short Course

18 Clues: OJ Noer _____ ARSApplied _______ LabCurrent Dean of CALSFood ______ InstituteForest and _____ Ecology______ Health CertificateDairy ____ Research CenterWisconsin Crop _____ CenterFarm and _____ Short Course_____ and Forage Analysis LabBiological ________ EngineeringCommunity and _______ SociologyCollege of ___ and Life Sciences...

Economics and Environmental Policy 2022-10-23

Economics and Environmental Policy crossword puzzle
  1. A system of giving polluters a permit to emit a fraction of the allowed amount of a pollutant; permits can be bought, sold, or traded.
  2. A tax imposed on companies that participate in activities or produce products that are harmful to the environment.
  3. The result when a market does not reflect the full costs and benefits of actions.
  4. The field of economics that says economies can become sustainable if environmental challenges are addressed.
  5. A giveaway of cash or public resources to encourage an activity or lower a product’s price.
  6. General plans and principles that address the interactions between humans and the environment.
  7. An economy where individuals decide what is made, how it is made, and how much is made.
  1. A method used to compare what will be sacrificed and gained by a specific action.
  2. An economy where the government decides what is made, how it is made, and who gets what.
  3. The field of economics that applies the principles of Earth’s systems to economics.
  4. The amount of a product people will buy at a given price if free to do so.
  5. Labeling products to identify brands that are made with processes that do not harm the environment.
  6. A way of implementing policy in which a government body sets rules and threatens punishment for violations.
  7. The amount of a product offered for sale at a given price.
  8. An economy where both government and individuals play roles in economic decision making.
  9. A formal set of general plans and principles for addressing problems and guiding decision making.
  10. A value not usually included in the price of a good or service.
  11. The study of how resources are converted into goods and services and how these goods and services are distributed and used.

18 Clues: The amount of a product offered for sale at a given price.A value not usually included in the price of a good or service.The amount of a product people will buy at a given price if free to do so.A method used to compare what will be sacrificed and gained by a specific action....

Chapter 2 Economics and Environmental Policy 2023-10-17

Chapter 2 Economics and Environmental Policy crossword puzzle
  1. the field of economics that recognizes the relationships between ecosystems and economic systems
  2. efforts to influence an elected official into supporting a specific interest
  3. the field of economics that links environmental and economic cost
  4. the amount of product or service offered for sale at a given price
  5. a situation in which a free economy operating on its own, does not distribute resources facilities
  6. a labeling system that tells consumers which brands are made with processes that do not harm the environment
  7. the value that is not included in the prices of a product or service
  8. a grant of cash or public resource that is intended to encourage a particular activity or lower the price of the product
  1. an approach to environmental policy in which a government body sets rules and threatens punishment for violations
  2. a formal set of general plans and principles that guides problem solving and decision making in specific instances
  3. the study of how resources are converted into products and services and of how those products and services are distributed and used
  4. the amount of product or service people will buy at a given price if free to do so
  5. a tax levied on companies that participate in activities or produce products that are harmful to the environment
  6. the method in which decision makers compare what will be sacrificed and gained by taking a specific action
  7. a system the US government uses first to determine an acceptable amount of a specific pollutant and then assigns a fraction of that amount to industrial sources of the pollutant

15 Clues: the field of economics that links environmental and economic costthe amount of product or service offered for sale at a given pricethe value that is not included in the prices of a product or serviceefforts to influence an elected official into supporting a specific interest...

Economics Crossword 2021-02-04

Economics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the spread of nuclear weapons, fissionable material, and weapons
  2. a subfield of economics concerned with environmental issues.
  3. the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories because there is a need or want of goods or services.
  4. the part of economics concerned with large-scale or general economic factors, such as interest rates and national productivity.
  5. the economic study of urban areas
  6. a financial institution that accepts deposits from the public and creates a demand deposit while simultaneously making loans.
  7. is an applied field of economics concerned with the application of economic theory in optimizing the production and distribution of food and fiber.
  8. the study of politics, economics and law on a global level.
  9. the theory or practice of shielding a country's domestic industries from foreign competition by taxing imports.
  1. the study of the role of the government in the economy.
  2. the state of being unemployed.
  3. the part of economics concerned with single factors and the effects of individual decisions
  4. a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money.
  5. a system supplying a public need such as transport, communications, or utilities such as electricity and water
  6. a field that builds on the theory of the firm by examining the structure of firms and markets.
  7. merchandise or possessions.
  8. the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives
  9. the process by which the economic well-being and quality of life of a nation, region, local community, or an individual are improved according to targeted goals and objectives.
  10. an economic policy that is designed to maximize the exports and minimize the imports for an economy.
  11. a function of the business lifecycle, industry growth trends, and the owners desire for equity value creation.

20 Clues: merchandise or possessions.the state of being unemployed.the economic study of urban areasthe study of the role of the government in the economy.the study of politics, economics and law on a global level.a subfield of economics concerned with environmental issues.the spread of nuclear weapons, fissionable material, and weapons...

A Final Word 2021-11-06

A Final Word crossword puzzle
  1. the market needs ___ framework to function properly
  2. Of the world=_____ self
  3. self-interest,our own advantage
  4. economics is the science of the allocation of scarce resources
  5. Traditional economics root concept
  6. law: bad money (low silver value) will drive good money(high silver content)out of the market
  7. Without moral and social foundation___ have to be in place for the system to work
  8. include ___ and ___ into our analyses and improve quality of life for everyone
  9. include ___ and ___ into our analyses and improve quality of life for everyone
  1. In the world=____ self
  2. the best way for everyone to be secure is to own capital/ land
  3. Economic revolution: money began to circulate more and develop ____ value
  4. We need to not separate the _____ from the economic problem
  5. traditional method:____ compensation test
  6. Humanistic economic entity can only function where businesses, not the _____ makes their economic decisions
  7. (highest good) should be considered for every economic question
  8. need ________government to maintain and nurture competition, available employment opportunities, and environmental protection
  9. common humanity, objectivity, fairness, truth
  10. marketization and materialism vs ______
  11. invisible hand

20 Clues: invisible handIn the world=____ selfOf the world=_____ selfself-interest,our own advantageTraditional economics root conceptmarketization and materialism vs ______traditional method:____ compensation testcommon humanity, objectivity, fairness, truththe market needs ___ framework to function properly...

Chapter 2 Vocabulary 2017-11-02

Chapter 2 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a general plan and principle related to the interactions between humans and the environment
  2. a tax levied on companies that participate in activities or produce products that are harmful to the environment
  3. the field of economics that links environmental and economic costs
  4. the amount of a product or service offered for sale at a given price
  5. the field of economics that recognizes the relationships between ecosystems and economics systems
  6. a rant of cash or a public resource that is intended to encourage a particular activity or lower the price of a product
  1. a labeling system that tells consumers which brands are made with processes that do not harm the environment
  2. a formal set of general plans and principles that guides problem solving and decision making in specific instances
  3. a method in which decision makers compare what will be sacrificed and gained by taking a specific action
  4. the study of how resources are converted into products and services
  5. a situation in which a free economy, operating on its own, does not distribute resources fairly
  6. the value that is not included in the price of a product or service
  7. the amount of a product or service people will buy at a given price

13 Clues: the field of economics that links environmental and economic coststhe study of how resources are converted into products and servicesthe value that is not included in the price of a product or servicethe amount of a product or service people will buy at a given pricethe amount of a product or service offered for sale at a given price...

Chapter 2 Vocabulary 2017-11-02

Chapter 2 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the study of how resources are converted into products and services
  2. a formal set of general plans and principles that guides problem solving and decision making in specific instances
  3. a situation in which a free economy, operating on its own, does not distribute resources fairly
  4. the field of economics that links environmental and economic costs
  5. a general plan and principle related to the interactions between humans and the environment
  6. the value that is not included in the price of a product or service
  7. a rant of cash or a public resource that is intended to encourage a particular activity or lower the price of a product
  1. the field of economics that recognizes the relationships between ecosystems and economics systems
  2. a tax levied on companies that participate in activities or produce products that are harmful to the environment
  3. a labeling system that tells consumers which brands are made with processes that do not harm the environment
  4. a method in which decision makers compare what will be sacrificed and gained by taking a specific action
  5. the amount of a product or service people will buy at a given price
  6. the amount of a product or service offered for sale at a given price

13 Clues: the field of economics that links environmental and economic coststhe study of how resources are converted into products and servicesthe amount of a product or service people will buy at a given pricethe value that is not included in the price of a product or servicethe amount of a product or service offered for sale at a given price...

Economics Key Terms 2024-05-13

Economics Key Terms crossword puzzle
  1. ??? groups believe that the benefits of growth are lower than the cost of generating that growth.
  2. Increases in GDP mean that people have more income on average, which increases ???
  3. When the economy is still growing, but at a slower rate.
  4. The peak of a GDP cycle.
  5. The study of economics that involves looking at individual parts of the economy.
  6. When GDP starts to rise again.
  7. The study of economics that involves looking at the economy as a whole.
  1. Economic growth can raise the ??? of a country.
  2. Businesses generate more output, so they need ???
  3. Value of all incomes in the economy added together
  4. If economic growth is too fast, the economy can overheat, which can cause ???
  5. When GDP starts to fall.
  6. Certain aims that the government has when managing the economy
  7. Measures a country's total output for a year.
  8. Rapid economic growth in some developing countries has helped to reduce ???

15 Clues: When GDP starts to fall.The peak of a GDP cycle.When GDP starts to rise again.Measures a country's total output for a year.Economic growth can raise the ??? of a country.Businesses generate more output, so they need ???Value of all incomes in the economy added togetherWhen the economy is still growing, but at a slower rate....

Health and Wellbeing 2022-10-13

Health and Wellbeing crossword puzzle
  1. Relating to economics or the economy
  2. Uncooperative behaviour
  3. Relating to the natural world around us
  4. Relating to cognition
  1. Characterised by constant change
  2. Relating to the mind
  3. The ways someone acts
  4. Characterised by the treatment of the person

8 Clues: Relating to the mindThe ways someone actsRelating to cognitionUncooperative behaviourCharacterised by constant changeRelating to economics or the economyRelating to the natural world around usCharacterised by the treatment of the person

Environmental Economics 2023-04-21

Environmental Economics crossword puzzle
  1. country in which the Chernobyl accident happened in
  2. how many years ago Chernobyl took place
  3. ______ measurement employs airborne radiation detection systems to provide real-time measurements of low levels of air and ground contamination
  1. county in R3 category (first alphabetically)
  2. country Otake and Schull (1998)investigate; basis of literature review for this paper
  3. county in R3 category (last alphabetically)
  4. R0 and R1 groups were sometimes both included in the _______ group

7 Clues: how many years ago Chernobyl took placecounty in R3 category (last alphabetically)county in R3 category (first alphabetically)country in which the Chernobyl accident happened inR0 and R1 groups were sometimes both included in the _______ groupcountry Otake and Schull (1998)investigate; basis of literature review for this paper...

Geography 1000 Chapter 5 2023-03-21

Geography 1000 Chapter 5 crossword puzzle
  1. the cost a party should be charged by resulting damage to external area or public.
  2. values usually not included in the price of a good or service (aesthetic pleasure of natural landscape).
  3. examines consumer choices and explains market prices in terms of preferences for units of particular commodities.
  4. when publicly accessible resources are open to unregulated exploitation, they tend to become overused, damaged, or depleted.
  5. the process by which the world’s societies have become more interconnected, linked by trade, diplomacy, and communication technology in countless ways.
  6. a cost of a transaction that affects someone other than the buyer or seller.
  7. an approach that is used by sellers in growing, harvesting, or manufacturing products and advertised it on their products to win approval from buyers.
  8. arises from conventions, treaties (written contracts), into which nations enter (i.e. Paris Agreement). Indonesia entered and signed this agreement/treaty on April, 22nd, 2016.
  9. to set rules, standard, limit certain actions and threaten punishment to those who violate.
  10. long standing practices, customs held in common by most cultures.
  1. the party who avoids the efforts others are making; for example, when people discard their waste in dumpsters, there are still those who litter.
  2. fossil fuels are .... resources.
  3. philosopher who found classical economics concept
  4. conventional economic activity and add it to positive contributions not paid with money such as volunteer work, parenting and subtract negative impacts suchas crime and pollution.
  5. the first to develop methods to tackle the problems of external costs and discounting.
  6. thinks that sustainability requires more far-reaching changes. It should mirror the natural system (steady-state economy).
  7. tax on an environmentally harmful activity or product.
  8. is meant to reflect how people tend to grant more importance to present conditions than to future
  9. polluters can trade their surplus cap limit allowed by government to those who need it because these polluters have excessed their limits.
  10. the study on how people decide on howto use potentially scarce resources to provide goods and services that are in demand.
  11. a social system that converts resources into goods and services.
  12. self-interested economic behavior can benefit society, as long as the behavior is constrained by the rule of law and private property rights within a competitive

22 Clues: fossil fuels are .... resources.philosopher who found classical economics concepttax on an environmentally harmful activity or product.a social system that converts resources into goods and services.long standing practices, customs held in common by most cultures.a cost of a transaction that affects someone other than the buyer or seller....

Therm, Eco Word Study List 2021-02-28

Therm, Eco Word Study List crossword puzzle
  1. distribution, and consumption of goods
  2. a container used to keep the heat in, to
  3. means “environment”
  4. : the study of the environment, its
  5. an instrument that measures
  6. temperature rises above a normal level
  7. or at least not causing environmental
  8. a medical condition when the body’s
  9. items warm
  10. : a system formed by the interactions of
  11. and their interactions
  12. means “heat/
  13. : a medical condition when the
  14. the changes in temperature
  1. a device used to control the
  2. having a beneficial effect on the
  3. the science that deals with the
  4. a device that automatically writes
  5. drops below a normal level
  6. or heat
  7. is thermal, it usually keeps heat in
  8. related to heat or temperature; if
  9. services

23 Clues: or heatservicesitems warmmeans “heat/means “environment”and their interactionsdrops below a normal levelthe changes in temperaturean instrument that measuresa device used to control the: a medical condition when thethe science that deals with thehaving a beneficial effect on thea device that automatically writesrelated to heat or temperature; if...

satria esa pratama 2022-10-06

satria esa pratama crossword puzzle
  1. Economics that studies all economic variable in a large of broad economic scope is?
  2. Who need food, clothes, and shelter?
  3. What can increase morale at work?
  4. object The difference between microeconomic theory and macroeconomic theory lies in?
  5. An act or object if the act or object is not justified by an applicable statutory regulation is called?
  6. a condition where are country's economy tends increase the prise of goods and services in the long term is?
  7. unrelated to economics?
  1. income Examples of problems discussed in macroeconomics?
  2. Our lives night be enjoable if we?
  3. That studies human behavior in creating and creating wealth What is economics?
  4. Data in the form of population and production are included in the group of economics?
  5. Economics that studies parts of economic theory partially?
  6. all community needs can be met scarcity in economics?
  7. What is given after doing a job for one month?
  8. economics The science that discusses the application of economic theory in real life is called?
  9. economic events and solving problems the purpose of studying economics?
  10. The science of economics is concerned with?
  11. What must people do to get paid?

18 Clues: unrelated to economics?What must people do to get paid?What can increase morale at work?Our lives night be enjoable if we?Who need food, clothes, and shelter?The science of economics is concerned with?What is given after doing a job for one month?all community needs can be met scarcity in economics?...

Strategic Management - PESTEL 2022-12-19

Strategic Management - PESTEL crossword puzzle
  1. it's related to law
  2. it's related to policy
  3. it's related to technology
  1. it's related to environment
  2. it's related to economics
  3. it's related to society

6 Clues: it's related to lawit's related to policyit's related to societyit's related to economicsit's related to technologyit's related to environment

Geography 2022-10-26

Geography crossword puzzle
  1. businesses operating on international spaces
  2. change or development
  3. the action of buying and selling goods and services
  4. machines made to communicate and help transport things
  5. brings services to other countries
  6. the way people are connected to each other through environmental and human activity
  7. a society believes, values and practices
  8. the estimate price of something
  1. movement of something from one place to the other
  2. consumption of goods and services
  3. someone who buys a product or service
  4. when it goes from one place to another
  5. visiting a place for pleasure

13 Clues: change or developmentvisiting a place for pleasurethe estimate price of somethingconsumption of goods and servicesbrings services to other countriessomeone who buys a product or servicewhen it goes from one place to anothera society believes, values and practicesbusinesses operating on international spaces...

Crossword Puzzle 2014-03-06

Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Head of our study (has a well-known sister too)
  2. Our latest sponsor debate is about ...
  3. Ew this coffee sucks! it's better at ...
  4. The Weekendcie recently organized a trip to ...
  5. ETE's building is now called ...
  6. The C in LCA
  1. An aktief slipper that's now part of the AID board
  2. Environmental Policy and ...
  3. It may not be safe for the second years to go to ...
  4. First name of ENP's 'lion'

10 Clues: The C in LCAFirst name of ENP's 'lion'Environmental Policy and ...ETE's building is now called ...Our latest sponsor debate is about ...Ew this coffee sucks! it's better at ...Head of our study (has a well-known sister too)The Weekendcie recently organized a trip to ...An aktief slipper that's now part of the AID board...

Environmental Policy 2023-10-31

Environmental Policy crossword puzzle
  1. The cost of a particular decision is weighed against its ___________
  2. the type of economy where consumers decide what is made, how it is made, and how it is distributed
  3. The type of relationship that usually exists between supply and demand
  4. This President oversaw the start of the Environmental Protection Agency
  5. The amount of a product or service offered at a given price
  6. The amount of a product or service that consumers WILL pay for.
  7. The name for a piece of legislation before it becomes a law
  8. Government sets a limit on the maximum amount of a pollutant and if the total # of permit amounts does not exceed 100%, businesses may trade or purchase permits from other businesses.
  9. This document is prepared by individuals or companies when conducting activities posing possible issues to the environment (give me the acronym)
  10. As a response to chronic water quality problems, this law/act was pass in regards to pollutant discharges in 1977
  11. Environmental ________ is the general plans & principles that address the interactions between humans and the environment.
  12. The work done for others as a form of business.
  13. Consists of 193 member nations, and assists other countries with developing and implementing monetary and environmental policies.
  1. Hears and makes judgments in regards to environmental laws. They usually center around 2 issues.
  2. If enacted (and not vetoed by the legislative branch), the ___________ branch puts the legislation into action and enforces it.
  3. The study of how resources are converted to goods and services, and how these are distributed and used
  4. Manufactured Materials which are produced and sold to consumers
  5. the type of economy we have here in the U.S.
  6. the type of economy where the government decides what is made, how it is made, and who gets goods and services.
  7. Additional taxes imposed on businesses or individuals engaging in harmful ecological practices.

20 Clues: the type of economy we have here in the U.S.The work done for others as a form of business.The amount of a product or service offered at a given priceThe name for a piece of legislation before it becomes a lawManufactured Materials which are produced and sold to consumersThe amount of a product or service that consumers WILL pay for....

Business Environments Crossword Puzzle 2024-05-10

Business Environments Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The environment that is not directly controllable by a business
  2. Factors that affect businesses in the broader society
  3. The factors within a business's immediate surroundings that affect its operations
  4. The environment immediately surrounding a business
  5. The social factors that affect businesses, such as culture and demographics
  6. The group of people or organizations that have an interest in a business
  7. The economic factors that affect businesses, such as inflation and unemployment
  8. The political factors that affect businesses, such as government policies and stability
  1. The analysis of factors such as politics, economics, and technology that impact businesses
  2. The environmental factors that affect businesses, such as climate change and sustainability
  3. The technological factors that affect businesses, such as advancements and innovation
  4. A tool used to analyze the external environment of a business
  5. The legal factors that affect businesses, such as regulations and laws

13 Clues: The environment immediately surrounding a businessFactors that affect businesses in the broader societyA tool used to analyze the external environment of a businessThe environment that is not directly controllable by a businessThe legal factors that affect businesses, such as regulations and laws...

Aktief Puzzlers! 2014-03-06

Aktief Puzzlers! crossword puzzle
  1. The C in LCA
  2. The Weekendcie recently organized a trip to ...
  3. ETE's building is now called ...
  4. Ew this coffee sucks! it's better at ...
  5. Head of our study (has a well-known sister too)
  6. Our latest sponsor debate is about ...
  1. Tt may not be safe for the second years to go to ...
  2. Environmental Policy and ...
  3. First name of ENP's 'lion'
  4. An aktief slipper that's now part of the AID board

10 Clues: The C in LCAFirst name of ENP's 'lion'Environmental Policy and ...ETE's building is now called ...Our latest sponsor debate is about ...Ew this coffee sucks! it's better at ...The Weekendcie recently organized a trip to ...Head of our study (has a well-known sister too)An aktief slipper that's now part of the AID board...

Environmental 2023-06-07

Environmental crossword puzzle
  1. an organism that mostly feeds on plants.
  2. an organism that produces organic compounds from simple substances such as water and carbon dioxide
  3. a class of organisms that obtain their energy through the oxidation of inorganic molecules, such as iron and magnesium
  4. an organism, especially a soil bacterium, fungus, or invertebrate, that decomposes organic material.
  5. the process of turning from liquid into vapor.
  6. the process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon
  7. the exhalation of water vapor through the stomata.
  8. an organism that mostly eats meat, or the flesh of animals.
  9. relating to or resulting from living things, especially in their ecological relations.
  10. the total quantity or weight of organisms in a given area.
  1. a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.
  2. When an organism excretes waste or dies, the nitrogen in its tissues is in the form of organic nitrogen
  3. a measure of economic performance that compares the amount of goods and services produced (output) with the amount of inputs used to produce those goods and services
  4. They are small, microscopic plants that live in the ocean. There are a few different kinds, such as diatoms, dinoflagellates, and cyanobacteria.
  5. The capacity or power to do work.
  6. water which collects as droplets on a cold surface when humid air is in contact with it.
  7. a process in living organisms involving the production of energy, typically with the intake of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide from the oxidation of complex organic substances.
  8. water or the amount of water that falls to the earth as hail, mist, rain, sleet, or snow.
  9. devoid of life
  10. animals that get their energy by eating plants or other animals.

20 Clues: devoid of lifeThe capacity or power to do work.an organism that mostly feeds on plants.the process of turning from liquid into vapor.the exhalation of water vapor through the stomata.the total quantity or weight of organisms in a given area.an organism that mostly eats meat, or the flesh of animals....

Environmental 2024-03-30

Environmental crossword puzzle
  1. Liquid vital for life
  2. Layer of earth where plants grow
  3. Flat, green structure on a branch
  4. Movement on foot
  5. Power source for electricity
  6. Short form for ecological
  7. Remove dirt or impurities
  8. Energy harnessed from the sun
  9. Action to decrease in size or amount
  10. Vital for photosynthesis
  11. Discarded items
  12. Color associated with sustainability
  13. Vast body of saltwater
  14. Use again for a different purpose
  1. Environmentally safe or beneficial
  2. Convert waste into reusable material
  3. Two-wheeled vehicle powered by pedals
  4. Free from pollutants or impurities
  5. Movement of air
  6. Contamination of the environment by harmful substances
  7. Small body of still water
  8. Unwanted or unusable material
  9. Home to billions of organisms
  10. Gas that contributes to global warming
  11. Tall plant with branches and leaves
  12. Preserve from harm
  13. Natural source of renewable energy
  14. Essential gas for life
  15. Structure for growing plants
  16. Opposite of contaminated

30 Clues: Movement of airDiscarded itemsMovement on footPreserve from harmLiquid vital for lifeVast body of saltwaterEssential gas for lifeVital for photosynthesisOpposite of contaminatedSmall body of still waterShort form for ecologicalRemove dirt or impuritiesPower source for electricityStructure for growing plantsUnwanted or unusable material...

Puzzle 2022-06-01

Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. father of economics
  2. 5 Environmental day is celebrated on
  3. scientific name of bird
  4. is known as first step of digestion
  5. collection of preserved plant specimens that have been stored appropriately
  1. green coloured component present in plants
  2. self obsessed person
  3. offer + acceptance
  4. the state of a company that is unable to honour it's financial obligations
  5. concept of mixing two atomic orbitals to give rise to a new type of orbitals
  6. portion belonging to one person in a company
  7. an individual who creates a new businesses

12 Clues: offer + acceptancefather of economicsself obsessed personscientific name of birdis known as first step of digestion5 Environmental day is celebrated ongreen coloured component present in plantsan individual who creates a new businessesportion belonging to one person in a company...

APCT5111 ICE TASK - 15 MAY. Name: Matthew Rademeyer Student Number: 11021616 2013-05-15

APCT5111 ICE TASK - 15 MAY. Name: Matthew Rademeyer Student Number: 11021616 crossword puzzle
  1. typically originate in academic settings
  2. specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time related
  3. key concept which relates to the external conditions or surroundings in which people live or work
  4. typical form of writing required for the world of work
  5. social, technological, economic, environmental and political factors
  6. usually associated with power and businesses depend on it to turn ideas into activity
  7. where the message arrives in work place communication
  8. 'decodes' (reconstructs) the message from the signal in work place communication
  9. arguably the most important section of a report
  10. typically used to record the development of idea's and insights
  1. the main body of the report and it has two key purposes
  2. strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
  3. encodes the message into signals in work place communication
  4. they are actions and are natural to write about them using verbs
  5. where the writer explains to the reader what is covered in a report, why it was written and what its aims are
  6. the inclusion of any essential extra material
  7. key concept which relates to the economy, economics or finances
  8. helps us understand the purpose and task of understanding feasibility study
  9. solution pattern that evaluates weaknesses or the absence of skills
  10. the way in which writing area's are set out

20 Clues: typically originate in academic settingsthe way in which writing area's are set outthe inclusion of any essential extra materialarguably the most important section of a reportstrengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threatswhere the message arrives in work place communicationtypical form of writing required for the world of work...

Environmental 2020-10-13

Environmental crossword puzzle
  1. special variety of trees
  2. wetlands without trees
  3. low, narrow, sandy islands
  4. similar to bogs
  5. process of eroding
  6. communities occur on the bottom
  7. free floating photosynthetic plants
  8. a large expanse of sea
  9. occur on the top
  10. greats threats to coral reefs
  11. depressions in a rocky shoreline
  12. things belonging to someone
  13. degree or intensity of heat
  14. shallow wetlands
  1. a large naturally occurring community
  2. a sharp temperature boundary
  3. wooded wetlands
  4. the path of water through a environment
  5. recessed coastal body of water
  6. conditions in which a person lives
  7. area filled with water surrounded by land
  8. a group of people living in the same place
  9. a group of living organisms
  10. bay where rivers empty into
  11. diverse and beautiful organisms

25 Clues: wooded wetlandssimilar to bogsoccur on the topshallow wetlandsprocess of erodingwetlands without treesa large expanse of seaspecial variety of treeslow, narrow, sandy islandsa group of living organismsbay where rivers empty intothings belonging to someonedegree or intensity of heata sharp temperature boundarygreats threats to coral reefs...

environmental 2023-06-06

environmental crossword puzzle
  1. organism on the food chain that depends on autotrophs (producers) or other consumers for food, nutrition, and energy
  2. the process by which water is transferred from the land to the atmosphere by evaporation from the soil and other surfaces and by transpiration from plants.
  3. the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity.
  4. any kind of green plant.
  5. any liquid or frozen water that forms in the atmosphere and falls to Earth.
  6. a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment
  7. an area classified according to the species that live in that location.
  8. a process in living organisms involving the production of energy, typically with the intake of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide from the oxidation of complex organic substances.
  9. an organism, especially a soil bacterium, fungus, or invertebrate, that decomposes organic material.
  10. an organism that mostly eats meat, or the flesh of animals.
  11. largely carnivores that feed on the primary consumers or herbivores.
  1. an organism that regularly consumes a variety of material, including plants, animals, algae, and fungi.
  2. the process that changes liquid water to gaseous water
  3. A chemical process that occurs in plants, algae, and some types of bacteria, when they are exposed to sunlight.
  4. occurs when plants take up liquid water from the soil and release water vapor into the air from their leaves.
  5. relating to or resulting from living things, especially in their ecological relations.
  6. an animal that feeds on plants.
  7. the amount of living material provided by a given area or volume of the earth's surface, whether terrestrial or aquatic.
  8. make up the second trophic level.
  9. water which collects as droplets on a cold surface when humid air is in contact with it

20 Clues: any kind of green plant.an animal that feeds on plants.make up the second trophic level.the process that changes liquid water to gaseous wateran organism that mostly eats meat, or the flesh of animals.largely carnivores that feed on the primary consumers or herbivores.an area classified according to the species that live in that location....

environmental 2023-03-17

environmental crossword puzzle
  1. what river were the chemicals thrown into
  2. pcb can cause multiple health diseases such as
  3. Estimated to be the safest fish to consume
  4. pcbs do not break _ easily
  5. collected to ensure the fishes are secure from obtaining any contaminants
  6. PCBs stay in the fishes
  7. through 2000-2012 has an ongoing sample statistic
  8. have highPCB levels
  9. what chemicals are pcb considered
  10. the b in the acronym "pcb" stands for
  11. fishes have a smaller concentration
  12. used to collect data
  1. the p in the acronym "pcb" stands for
  2. pcb can be dangerous to who
  3. PCB has no smell, as well as
  4. what company discharged the chemicals in the river
  5. which country stopped the manufacturing in 1977
  6. which banned the production of pcbs
  7. which season calculated the most samples
  8. have more female sample statistics

20 Clues: have highPCB levelsused to collect dataPCBs stay in the fishespcbs do not break _ easilypcb can be dangerous to whoPCB has no smell, as well aswhat chemicals are pcb consideredhave more female sample statisticswhich banned the production of pcbsfishes have a smaller concentrationthe p in the acronym "pcb" stands for...

Environmental 2022-05-16

Environmental crossword puzzle
  1. organism that does photosynthesis
  2. cause of competition
  3. limits population growth
  4. scale for measuring earthquakes
  5. herbivore
  6. swapping soybeans and corn yearly
  7. higher level consumer
  8. unit of energy
  9. endangered species that may not recover
  1. comparison of births and deaths in population
  2. carbon dioxide
  3. why people care about global warming
  4. crops with altered DNA
  5. fuel for nuclear power
  6. energy made from sunlight
  7. product of photosynthesis
  8. amount of calories making it to next level
  9. members of a population
  10. where excess food is stored in plants
  11. species that is nonnative and destructive
  12. energy that does not pollute

21 Clues: herbivorecarbon dioxideunit of energycause of competitionhigher level consumercrops with altered DNAfuel for nuclear powermembers of a populationlimits population growthenergy made from sunlightproduct of photosynthesisenergy that does not pollutescale for measuring earthquakesorganism that does photosynthesisswapping soybeans and corn yearly...


ENVIRONMENTAL crossword puzzle
  1. extraction of minerals and ores
  2. to over exploit resources
  3. coal and gas are the examples
  4. contamination of natural things
  5. the major air pollutant
  6. these cells are used to convert solar energy to electrical energy
  7. a breed of animal
  8. the largest desert in the world
  9. where an animal lives
  1. the lungs of the earth
  2. the longest river
  3. atmosphere close to the earth surface
  4. the tree which gives oxygen 24 hours
  5. green house gas
  6. acid rain is caused by
  7. flora and fauna
  8. a type of renewable resources
  9. population of zero
  10. verity of plants and animal species in an environment
  11. a plant which is used as medicine in skin care

20 Clues: green house gasflora and faunathe longest rivera breed of animalpopulation of zerowhere an animal livesthe lungs of the earthacid rain is caused bythe major air pollutantto over exploit resourcescoal and gas are the examplesa type of renewable resourcesextraction of minerals and orescontamination of natural thingsthe largest desert in the world...


ENVIRONMENTAL crossword puzzle


Economics Crossword Puzzle 2023-06-22

Economics Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. economics, the application of economic theory in optimizing the production and distribution of food and fiber
  2. organization, a field that builds on the theory of the firm by examining the structure of firms and markets
  3. proliferation, the spread of nuclear weapons
  4. balance of trade, imports of a country exceed its exports
  5. large-scale economic factors
  6. of payments, the difference in the total value between payments made in and out of a country
  7. trade, the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories
  8. transferable merchandise
  9. finance, the study of the role of the government in economics
  1. a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money
  2. economics, a branch of economics that uses microeconomic techniques to evaluate well-being at the aggregate level
  3. the percentage of people who are out of work and actively seeking new work
  4. of mass destruction, a biological or radioactive weapon that can cause widespread death
  5. economics, type of economics that was popular in the 19th century
  6. an economic theory stating that trade generates wealth
  7. balance of trade, exports of a country exceed its imports
  8. an economic policy in which a country restricts or taxes imports
  9. supply, total amount of money in circulation in a country
  10. economics, the functioning and dynamics of the markets for wage labor
  11. surplus, where a country's exports exceed its imports

20 Clues: transferable merchandiselarge-scale economic factorsproliferation, the spread of nuclear weaponssurplus, where a country's exports exceed its importsan economic theory stating that trade generates wealthbalance of trade, imports of a country exceed its exportsbalance of trade, exports of a country exceed its imports...

Stakeholders & the Business Environment 2020-08-27

Stakeholders & the Business Environment crossword puzzle
  1. there is never enough
  2. human resources
  3. then you're left in the dust, unless I stuck by ya
  4. an epic showdown between RHS and WHS every year
  5. the science of people's choices
  6. combination of organizational skills and risk taking
  7. internal stakeholders that are leaders
  8. money money money money!
  9. tiktok, fortnite, snapchat, guys with poofy bangs, OK boomer!
  10. people who make things...they also make albums
  1. economic resources that can be used to produce some other good or service
  2. scarcity + utility
  3. people owe me money
  4. Louisiana and George W. Bush currently have this in common
  5. people who buy stuff
  6. natural resources
  7. American award recognizing excellence in the television industry
  8. examples: vehicle safety requirements, environmental laws
  9. internal stakeholders that do the work
  10. producers try to make us happy
  11. own pieces of the company

21 Clues: human resourcesnatural resourcesscarcity + utilitypeople owe me moneypeople who buy stuffthere is never enoughmoney money money money!own pieces of the companyproducers try to make us happythe science of people's choicesinternal stakeholders that are leadersinternal stakeholders that do the workpeople who make things...they also make albums...

Environmental Science Unit 1 2017-01-29

Environmental Science Unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area
  2. biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment
  3. the commitment of an organization to the laws, regulations, and other policy mechanisms concerning environmental issues
  4. a market-based approach to controlling pollution that allows corporations or national governments to trade emissions allowances under an overall cap, or limit, on those emissions
  5. the practice of marking products with a distinctive label to show that their manufacture conforms to recognized environmental standards
  6. able to be maintained at a certain rate or level without depleting the future supply
  7. Tax paid by consumers for products or services that are not environmentally friendly. The intended purpose is to offset the negative impact resulting from the use of non-green products and services
  8. materials or substances that occur in nature and can be used for economic gain
  9. a document prepared to describe the effects for proposed activities on the environment
  10. the practice or science of collecting and analyzing numerical data in large quantities
  11. process by which business decisions are analyzed
  12. form of philosophy that considers the ways humans interact with their natural environment and with nonhuman animals
  1. efforts to influence and elected official into supporting a specific interest
  2. members of the same species that are inhabitants of a particular area
  3. the value that is not included in the price of a product or services, such as clean air and water
  4. a resource that cannot be readily replaced by natural means on a level equal to its consumption
  5. a field of economics that integrates the earth's natural systems, human values, and human health and well-being
  6. the branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth
  7. rules of behavior based on ideas about what is morally good and bad
  8. substance of economic value that can be replaced or replenished in a short amount of time
  9. system of rules
  10. branch of economics that acknowledges the value of both the environment and economic activity and makes choices based on those values
  11. a natural fuel formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms.
  12. the amount of a product or service people will consume at a given price if free to do so
  13. any part of an ecosystem that is not derived from living organisms
  14. relating to or resulting from living things
  15. footprint the impact of a person or community on the environment
  16. the amount of product offered for sale at a given price

28 Clues: system of rulesrelating to or resulting from living thingsprocess by which business decisions are analyzedthe amount of product offered for sale at a given pricefootprint the impact of a person or community on the environmentany part of an ecosystem that is not derived from living organisms...

Environmental 2021-09-17

Environmental crossword puzzle
  1. To cut down or clear away the trees or forests.
  2. An area designated to receive household garbage, solid waste and
  3. A fire in a wild area (such as a forest) that is not controlled and that can burn a large area very quickly.
  4. Reduce, reuse and ...
  5. person who works to protect the natural world from pollution and other threats.
  6. A device that is placed inside a machine (such as a clock, calculator, toy car, etc).
  7. A type of universal waste we have on site.
  8. A building with facilities for the manufacture of goods.
  9. Fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas.
  10. Precipitation that contains a high concentration of pollutants.
  11. An accidental release of oil into water, often presenting a hazard (impact) to marine life and the environment.
  12. We need this gas to survive (O2)
  1. No longer in existence; disappearance of some species.
  2. The contamination of soil, water, or the atmosphere by the discharge of harmful substances.
  3. Location where garbage, rubbish or waste is taken and just dumped, without environmental controls.
  4. The four characteristics of a hazardous waste are: toxic, corrosive, reactive and ...
  5. An article/material intended to be thrown away after use.
  6. A place where you can take used glass, paper or plastic to extract and reuse useful substances found in them.
  7. Something of second rank, status, importance or value.
  8. Abbreviation for 'Environmental Management System'
  9. debris.
  10. A carrier used to carry groceries shopping from supermarket.

22 Clues: debris.Reduce, reuse and ...We need this gas to survive (O2)Fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas.A type of universal waste we have on site.To cut down or clear away the trees or forests.Abbreviation for 'Environmental Management System'No longer in existence; disappearance of some species.Something of second rank, status, importance or value....


ENVIRONMENTAL crossword puzzle
  1. dissolved oxygen needed by microbes to decompose organic waste
  2. a greenhouse gas
  3. the interaction of a community of organisms with there environment
  4. dense forest found in tropical areas with heavy rainfall
  6. when large habitat are divided into smaller once
  7. 78% of atmosphere is covered with this gas
  8. heat energy stored in the earth
  9. the study of weather
  1. the destruction of woodland
  2. the process of plants preparing food using sunlight
  3. effort to protect natural resources
  4. absorb harmful UV rays from the sun
  5. one of the R's
  8. under threat of extinction
  10. THE DISEASE CAUSED by contaminated food and water

20 Clues: one of the R'sa greenhouse gasSMOKE CAUSES WHATthe study of weatherunder threat of extinctionPLANTING OF TREE IS CALLEDthe destruction of woodlandheat energy stored in the earthAN EXAMPLE OF RENEWABLE RESOURCEeffort to protect natural resourcesabsorb harmful UV rays from the sun78% of atmosphere is covered with this gas...


ENVIRONMENTAL crossword puzzle
  1. the largest desert in the world
  4. a greenhouse gas
  5. a plant which is used as medicine in skin care
  7. 78% of atmosphere is covered with this gas
  8. the longest river
  9. the major air pollutant
  10. acid rain is caused by
  1. these cells are used to convert solar energy to electrical energy
  2. the lungs of the earth
  3. THE DISEASE CAUSED by contaminated food and water
  5. the tree which gives oxygen 24 hours
  6. the process of plants preparing food using sunlight
  7. flora and fauna
  8. extraction of minerals and ores
  10. dissolved oxygen needed by microbes to decompose organic waste

20 Clues: flora and faunaa greenhouse gasSMOKE CAUSES WHATthe longest riverthe lungs of the earthacid rain is caused bythe major air pollutantPLANTING OF TREE IS CALLEDthe largest desert in the worldextraction of minerals and oresAN EXAMPLE OF RENEWABLE RESOURCEthe tree which gives oxygen 24 hours78% of atmosphere is covered with this gas...

School Fun 2017-02-16

School Fun crossword puzzle
  1. Lunch
  2. Sports
  3. English
  4. Biology
  5. Economics
  6. Algebra
  7. Literature
  8. Earth
  9. Computers
  10. Gym
  11. History
  1. Cooking
  2. Bus
  3. Science
  4. Foods
  5. Walmart
  6. Chemistry
  7. Geometry
  8. Math
  9. Calculus

20 Clues: BusGymMathLunchFoodsEarthSportsCookingEnglishScienceWalmartBiologyAlgebraHistoryGeometryCalculusChemistryEconomicsComputersLiterature

the north 2022-03-25

the north crossword puzzle
  1. lowellsystem
  2. abolitionists
  3. urbanization
  4. samuelslater
  5. senecafallsconvention
  6. mills
  7. susanbanthony
  8. frederickdouglas
  9. rhodeislandsystem
  10. womensrights
  1. elizabethcadystanton
  2. thenorth
  3. williamlloydgarrison
  4. industrialrevolution
  5. sojournertruth
  6. economics
  7. suffrage
  8. reformmovements
  9. society
  10. immigrants

20 Clues: millssocietythenorthsuffrageeconomicsimmigrantslowellsystemurbanizationsamuelslaterwomensrightsabolitionistssusanbanthonysojournertruthreformmovementsfrederickdouglasrhodeislandsystemelizabethcadystantonwilliamlloydgarrisonindustrialrevolutionsenecafallsconvention

School Fun 2023-08-20

School Fun crossword puzzle
  1. Lunch
  2. Sports
  3. English
  4. Biology
  5. Economics
  6. Algebra
  7. Literature
  8. Earth
  9. Computers
  10. Gym
  11. History
  1. Cooking
  2. Bus
  3. Science
  4. Foods
  5. Walmart
  6. Chemistry
  7. Geometry
  8. Math
  9. Calculus

20 Clues: BusGymMathLunchFoodsEarthSportsCookingEnglishScienceWalmartBiologyAlgebraHistoryGeometryCalculusChemistryEconomicsComputersLiterature

Economics Crossword Puzzle 2021-02-04

Economics Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. economics, the application of economic theory in optimizing the production and distribution of food and fiber
  2. organization, a field that builds on the theory of the firm by examining the structure of firms and markets
  3. proliferation, the spread of nuclear weapons
  4. balance of trade, imports of a country exceed its exports
  5. large-scale economic factors
  6. of payments, the difference in the total value between payments made in and out of a country
  7. trade, the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories
  8. transferable merchandise
  9. finance, the study of the role of the government in economics
  1. a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money
  2. economics, a branch of economics that uses microeconomic techniques to evaluate well-being at the aggregate level
  3. the percentage of people who are out of work and actively seeking new work
  4. of mass destruction, a biological or radioactive weapon that can cause widespread death
  5. economics, type of economics that was popular in the 19th century
  6. an economic theory stating that trade generates wealth
  7. balance of trade, exports of a country exceed its imports
  8. an economic policy in which a country restricts or taxes imports
  9. supply, total amount of money in circulation in a country
  10. economics, the functioning and dynamics of the markets for wage labor
  11. surplus, where a country's exports exceed its imports

20 Clues: transferable merchandiselarge-scale economic factorsproliferation, the spread of nuclear weaponssurplus, where a country's exports exceed its importsan economic theory stating that trade generates wealthbalance of trade, imports of a country exceed its exportsbalance of trade, exports of a country exceed its imports...

Environmental 2015-04-08

Environmental crossword puzzle
  1. If you need a _____________ container label, see Sue Bloch.
  2. Acronym for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response.
  3. All Used Lamps (light bulbs)are boxed and stored here prior to being sent out for recycling.
  4. Our ___________ team consists of Lee Ann Slosar, Bryan Bensett, and Sue Bloch.
  5. The ____________ drains in the parking lots and the yard drain straight to the river without any type of treatment.
  6. What type of waste is collected in the basket next to the IT crib in pattern shop.
  7. A spill that can be easily cleaned up because you know what the material is. You know how to clean it up correctly. And is inside the plant.
  8. Used _________ should be poured into the "__________ Recovery" area at column A2.
  9. Spring __________ - where we are concentrating our Wildlife Habitat efforts.
  10. By implementing energy conservation projects, we are reducing the ________ emissions from generating the electricity that powers our plant.
  11. Household ___________ Waste Collection day for Genesee County will be on May 2nd, 2015. More information to come.
  12. Michigan Department of Environmental Quality.
  13. April 22nd is __________ Day.
  1. All chemicals must be _____________ by the Hazardous Materials Control Committee.
  2. Must be removed from chillers, water fountains, and other equipment prior to scrapping the equipment.
  3. All chemical secondary containers must be __________.
  4. Where bags of used garnet sand should go until they can be dumped into the garnet rolloff.
  5. Some examples of __________ energy are solar, wind, or hydropower, biomass, geothermal.
  6. Battery buckets for alkaline and lithium recycling are here.
  7. The 2020 _______________ Committments detail GM's committments to the public to reduce waste, VOC emissions, Carbon emissions, water usage and electricity usage.
  8. If you see a spill that is an unknown material or one you are not familiar with OR if it is OUTSIDE, call ____________.
  9. Never store leaking mobile ___________ outdoors.
  10. General plant trash is put into the ___________ and then sent out to be incinerated for energy recovery.
  11. When the pattern shop receives new __________, the _________ scrap goes back to the supplier on the same truck.
  12. A fishing bird we hope to attract with the nesting platform we installed last fall.
  13. We have been _________ free since 2007, meaning that we don't send any of our waste to __________ except for construction debris.
  14. MSDS's are located in the ___________ office.
  15. the lights we installed in high bay to eliminate safety hazards and drive energy reductions.

28 Clues: April 22nd is __________ Day.MSDS's are located in the ___________ office.Michigan Department of Environmental Quality.Never store leaking mobile ___________ outdoors.All chemical secondary containers must be __________.If you need a _____________ container label, see Sue Bloch.Battery buckets for alkaline and lithium recycling are here....

Environmental 2016-05-09

Environmental crossword puzzle
  1. Il- kurrenti konvezzjonali jseħħu meta likwidu jiġi msaħħan.
  2. Hi l-iskala li tibbaża fuq it-tgħeżiżiet tal-art.
  3. Il-likwidu ta' ġol-vulkani qabel ma jiżbroffa.
  4. Ġeneralment huwa mmarkat b' "X".
  5. Tip ta' periklu naturali meta il-qiegħan jersqu b'salt.
  6. Il-likwidu li joħroġ mil-vulkani.
  7. Meta l-qiegħan jitbegħdu minn xulxin.
  1. Dawn jinstabu fit-truf tal-qiegħan u jnaqqsu l-pressa tal-mantell.
  2. L-artijiet meta kienu kollha maqgħuda f'kontinent wieħed.
  3. Meta vulkan jiżbroffa.
  4. (Bl-Ingliż) Eżempju ta' dan il- "Plate Boundary" huwa il- Fault ta' San Andreas.
  5. Meta l-qiegħan jersqu u jaħbtu kontra xulxin.
  6. L-aktar parti ġewwinija tad-Dinja.
  7. Hi tip ta qiegħ li jinsab taħt il-baħar.
  8. X'jissejjaħ Vulkan meta jkun ilu ma jiżbroffa elfejn sena?
  9. Huwa saff enormi ta' blat likwidu u hemm sħana tremenda ukoll.
  10. L-instrument li bih jitkejjel il-forza tat-tgħeżżiża.
  11. Dejjem meqjusa li tkun 90 degree.
  12. Din hi l-irqaq saff tad-dinja.
  13. Dan hu vulkan attiv f'Sqallija.

20 Clues: Meta vulkan jiżbroffa.Din hi l-irqaq saff tad-dinja.Dan hu vulkan attiv f'Sqallija.Ġeneralment huwa mmarkat b' "X".Dejjem meqjusa li tkun 90 degree.Il-likwidu li joħroġ mil-vulkani.L-aktar parti ġewwinija tad-Dinja.Meta l-qiegħan jitbegħdu minn xulxin.Hi tip ta qiegħ li jinsab taħt il-baħar.Meta l-qiegħan jersqu u jaħbtu kontra xulxin....

Spelling Words for Week 09/25/23 2023-09-22

Spelling Words for Week 09/25/23 crossword puzzle
  1. the fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim
  2. a minor change or addition designed to improve a text, piece of legislation, etc
  3. a person who purchases goods and services for personal use
  4. a quantity of something, especially the total of a thing or things in number, size, value, or extent
  5. a person whose profession is acting on the stage, in movies, or on television; hypocrite
  6. give (someone) permission to do something (past tense of allow)
  7. in economics, the process of an organization concentrating its labor and resources on a certain type of production to be more efficient and create a comparative advantage for an economy
  8. the state or experience of finding something funny
  9. in economics, the consumer's desire and willingness to buy a product or service at a given period or over time
  10. in economics, the status of a debtor who has been declared by judicial process to be unable to pay his debts
  1. in economics, the voluntary exchange of goods or services between economic actors
  2. discussed or negotiated and then accepted by all parties
  3. in economics, a product or service produced in one country but sold to a buyer abroad
  4. as the truth or facts of a situation; really
  5. in economics, an activity involving two or more firms, in which each firm tries to get people to buy its own goods in preference to the other firm's goods
  6. the action or process of adding something to something else
  7. in economics, the total expenditure a firm incurs when utilizing economic resources to produce goods and services
  8. in economics, the system of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services
  9. audibly; not silently or in a whisper
  10. in economics, the exchange of goods and services between two or more parties without the use of money

20 Clues: audibly; not silently or in a whisperas the truth or facts of a situation; reallythe state or experience of finding something funnydiscussed or negotiated and then accepted by all partiesa person who purchases goods and services for personal usethe action or process of adding something to something else...

School, Education 2024-01-09

School, Education crossword puzzle
  1. compulsory
  2. announce
  3. lecturer
  4. term
  5. cooperative
  6. examiner
  7. assessment
  8. independent
  9. gifted
  10. entrance
  11. internal
  1. humanities
  2. certificate
  3. economics
  4. graduate
  5. fee
  6. private
  7. optional
  8. suggest

19 Clues: feetermgiftedprivatesuggestannouncelecturergraduateoptionalexaminerentranceinternaleconomicshumanitiescompulsoryassessmentcertificatecooperativeindependent

Toxicology 2024-04-16

Toxicology crossword puzzle
  1. Chemicals that interfere w/ the development of embryos or fetuses.​
  2. The amount of a harmful substance that is absorbed​
  3. studies: A study that monitors people previously exposed to environmental hazards.
  4. The lethal dose of a chemical that kills 50 percent of the individuals in a dose-response study.
  5. interaction: A situation in which two risks together cause more harm than expected based on the separate effects of each risk alone.
  6. study: An experiment that exposes organisms to an environmental hazard for a long duration.
  7. study: A study that Monitor people exposed to hazards in the future​
  8. The study of the adverse effects of chemicals on health.​
  9. The amount of damage a harmful substance does to health​
  10. of the 5 chemicals of major concern: Lead
  11. Chemicals that causes cancer​
  1. four types of hazards: Cultural, Chemical, Physical, and Biological. ​
  2. study: An experiment that exposes organisms to an environmental hazard for a long duration.
  3. The potential of a substance to cause harm to living organisms. ​
  4. source pollution: Pollution that is easy to identify and comes from a single place
  5. source pollution: Pollution that is harder to identify and comes from many different places
  6. studies: A study that exposes organisms to different amounts of a chemical and observes the variety of possible responses, including mortality or changes in behavior or production.
  7. A measure of how harmful a substance is.​
  8. Chemicals that disrupts our nervous system.​
  9. Chemicals that causes allergic reactions.​
  10. Metals: A group of chemicals that pose serious health threats to humans and other organisms.​
  11. effect: Effect that has a permanent or long-lasting consequence.
  12. disruptors: Chemicals that interfere with the function of hormones.
  13. effect: Effect that has an immediate or rapid negative reaction​.
  14. The possibility of suffering from harm or hazard that can cause injury, disease, economics loss or environmental damage.​
  15. assessment: Estimating human health risks using data and models.​

26 Clues: Chemicals that causes cancer​A measure of how harmful a substance is.​of the 5 chemicals of major concern: LeadChemicals that causes allergic reactions.​Chemicals that disrupts our nervous system.​The amount of a harmful substance that is absorbed​The amount of damage a harmful substance does to health​...

Environmental Activism 2023-07-28

Environmental Activism crossword puzzle
  1. - Another major objective of environmental activism.
  2. - Species - Animals and plants threatened with extinction.
  3. - Concept of preserving open spaces around urban areas.
  4. - Environmental organization with a focus on conservation.
  5. - Hazardous materials that prompted activism against pollution.
  6. - Layer - Activists campaigned to protect this part of the atmosphere.
  7. - U.S. president who established the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
  8. - Influential book by Rachel Carson that ignited environmental awareness.
  9. - Scientific study of the relationships between organisms and their environment.
  10. - The planet that environmental activists sought to protect.
  11. - Environmental degradation caused by harmful substances.
  1. - Activism against the use of nuclear power and weapons.
  2. - Prominent environmental organization founded in 1971.
  3. - A growing concern in the '70s that remains a pressing issue.
  4. - A person advocating for the protection of the natural world.
  5. - One of the key goals of environmental movements.
  6. - Efforts to preserve natural resources and biodiversity.
  7. - Type of energy sources advocated by environmental activists.
  8. - Environmentally significant ecosystem that gained attention in the '70s.
  9. - Protection of pristine natural areas was a major concern.

20 Clues: - One of the key goals of environmental movements.- Another major objective of environmental activism.- Prominent environmental organization founded in 1971.- Concept of preserving open spaces around urban areas.- Activism against the use of nuclear power and weapons.- Efforts to preserve natural resources and biodiversity....

Super Mini Quiz 2016-09-12

Super Mini Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. Producer
  2. Scarce
  3. Resource
  4. Economist
  5. Microeconomics
  6. Inflation
  7. Hypothesis
  8. Economics
  9. Subjective
  1. Consumer
  2. Model
  3. Objective
  4. Macroeconomics
  5. Ceterisparibus
  6. Firm
  7. Fluctuation
  8. Unemployment
  9. Household
  10. Science

19 Clues: FirmModelScarceScienceProducerConsumerResourceObjectiveEconomistHouseholdInflationEconomicsHypothesisSubjectiveFluctuationUnemploymentMacroeconomicsCeterisparibusMicroeconomics

Super Mini Quiz 2016-09-12

Super Mini Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. Science
  2. Ceterisparibus
  3. Economics
  4. Unemployment
  5. Hypothesis
  6. Resource
  7. Objective
  8. Consumer
  1. Fluctuation
  2. Model
  3. Macroeconomics
  4. Producer
  5. Firm
  6. Microeconomics
  7. Economist
  8. Subjective
  9. Household
  10. Inflation
  11. Scarce

19 Clues: FirmModelScarceScienceProducerResourceConsumerEconomistEconomicsHouseholdInflationObjectiveSubjectiveHypothesisFluctuationUnemploymentMacroeconomicsMicroeconomicsCeterisparibus

Env Sci Ch. 1 Vocabulary Review 2016-08-20

Env Sci Ch. 1 Vocabulary Review crossword puzzle
  1. An indicator that describes the current state of an environmental system. (2 words)
  2. A testable theory or supposition about how something works.
  3. The sum of all the conditions surrounding us that influence life.
  4. The process of making general statements from specific facts or examples.
  5. A measure of how much an individual consumes, expressed in area of land. (2 words)
  6. How close the repeated measurements of a sample are to one another.
  7. A person who participates in environmentalism, a social movement that seeks to protect the environment through lobbying, activism, and education.
  8. Derived from human activities.
  9. process by which natural environments provide life-supporting resources. (2 words)
  10. Nonliving components of an ecosystem
  11. The diversity of life forms in an environment.
  12. A particular location on Earth distinguished by its mix of interacting biotic and abiotic components.
  13. The evolution of new species
  1. The average rate at which species become extinct over the long term. (3 words)
  2. A gas in Earth’s atmosphere that traps heat near the surface. (2 words)
  3. The field of study that includes environmental science, environmental policy, economics, literature, and ethics, among others. (2 words)
  4. An estimate of how much a measured or calculated value differs from a true value.
  5. How close a measured value is to the actual or true value.
  6. The data collection procedure of taking repeated measurements.
  7. The process of applying a general statement to specific facts or situations.
  8. Living on Earth in a way that allows humans to use its resources without depriving future generations of those resources.
  9. The number of times a measurement is replicated in the data collection process. (2 words)
  10. Any set of interacting components that influence one another by exchanging energy or materials.
  11. Living components of an ecosystem

24 Clues: The evolution of new speciesDerived from human activities.Living components of an ecosystemNonliving components of an ecosystemThe diversity of life forms in an environment.How close a measured value is to the actual or true value.A testable theory or supposition about how something works....

Env Sci Ch. 1 Vocabulary Review 2016-08-20

Env Sci Ch. 1 Vocabulary Review crossword puzzle
  1. Living components of an ecosystem
  2. A particular location on Earth distinguished by its mix of interacting biotic and abiotic components.
  3. The diversity of life forms in an environment.
  4. A testable theory or supposition about how something works.
  5. process by which natural environments provide life-supporting resources. (2 words)
  6. The field of study that includes environmental science, environmental policy, economics, literature, and ethics, among others. (2 words)
  7. The sum of all the conditions surrounding us that influence life.
  8. A measure of how much an individual consumes, expressed in area of land. (2 words)
  9. The process of applying a general statement to specific facts or situations.
  10. The average rate at which species become extinct over the long term. (3 words)
  11. Nonliving components of an ecosystem
  12. An estimate of how much a measured or calculated value differs from a true value.
  1. The evolution of new species
  2. The process of making general statements from specific facts or examples.
  3. The data collection procedure of taking repeated measurements.
  4. The number of times a measurement is replicated in the data collection process. (2 words)
  5. How close the repeated measurements of a sample are to one another.
  6. Any set of interacting components that influence one another by exchanging energy or materials.
  7. An indicator that describes the current state of an environmental system. (2 words)
  8. A person who participates in environmentalism, a social movement that seeks to protect the environment through lobbying, activism, and education.
  9. Living on Earth in a way that allows humans to use its resources without depriving future generations of those resources.
  10. Derived from human activities.
  11. How close a measured value is to the actual or true value.
  12. A gas in Earth’s atmosphere that traps heat near the surface. (2 words)

24 Clues: The evolution of new speciesDerived from human activities.Living components of an ecosystemNonliving components of an ecosystemThe diversity of life forms in an environment.How close a measured value is to the actual or true value.A testable theory or supposition about how something works....

Environmental Systems 2021-05-21

Environmental Systems crossword puzzle
  1. how close a measured value is to the actual or true value
  2. the sum of all the conditions surrounding us that influence life
  3. nonliving
  4. derived from human activities
  5. diversity a measure of the genetic variation among individuals in a population
  6. a testable conjecture about how something works
  7. hydraulic fracturing, a method of oil and gas extraction that uses high-pressure fluids to force open cracks in rocks deep underground
  8. footprint a measure of how much an individual consumes, expressed in area of land
  9. a person who participates in environmentalism, a social movement that seeks to protect the environment through lobbying, activism, and education
  10. extinction rate the average rate at which species become extinct over the long term
  11. indicator an indicator that describes the current state of an environmental system
  12. services the processes by which life-supporting resources such as clean water, timber, fisheries, and agricultural crops are produced
  1. how close the repeated measurements of a sample are to one another
  2. love of life
  3. the data collection procedure of taking repeated measurements
  4. studies the field of study that includes environmental science and additional subjects such as environmental policy, economics, literature, and ethics
  5. living
  6. experiment a natural event that acts as an experimental treatment in an ecosystem 23. null hypothesis a prediction that there is no difference between groups or conditions, or a statement or an idea that can be falsified, or proved wrong
  7. group in a scientific investigation, a group that experiences exactly the same conditions as the experimental group, except for the single variable under study
  8. science the field of study that looks at interactions among human systems and those found in nature
  9. the diversity of life forms in an environment
  10. a particular location on Earth with interacting biotic and abiotic components
  11. gases gases in Earth’s atmosphere that trap heat near the surface
  12. improvement in human well-being through economic advancement

24 Clues: livingnonlivinglove of lifederived from human activitiesthe diversity of life forms in an environmenta testable conjecture about how something workshow close a measured value is to the actual or true valueimprovement in human well-being through economic advancementthe data collection procedure of taking repeated measurements...

Intro to International Studies 2022-01-25

Intro to International Studies crossword puzzle
  1. Process by which the world becomes more connected
  2. Unlawful use of violence and terror for political aim
  3. Eradication of an entire ethnic or racial group
  4. 1900 - 1999 was the __________ century
  5. Business of buying and selling items
  6. Body of people united by common ancestry, culture, etc.
  7. Person forced to leave their home or country
  8. Study of the physical features of the Earth
  9. International organization established after the First World War
  10. __________ of Mass Destruction
  1. Study of production and distribution of resources
  2. Movement of people from one place to another
  3. Current, ongoing environmental shift
  4. Moral principles protected by international law
  5. International organization established after the Second World War

15 Clues: __________ of Mass DestructionCurrent, ongoing environmental shiftBusiness of buying and selling items1900 - 1999 was the __________ centuryStudy of the physical features of the EarthMovement of people from one place to anotherPerson forced to leave their home or countryEradication of an entire ethnic or racial group...

Intro to International Studies 2022-01-25

Intro to International Studies crossword puzzle
  1. Person forced to leave their home or country
  2. Process by which the world becomes more connected
  3. Business of buying and selling items
  4. Unlawful use of violence and terror for political aim
  5. International organization established after the First World War
  6. Study of production and distribution of resources
  7. Study of the physical features of the Earth
  8. Movement of people from one place to another
  1. International organization established after the Second World War
  2. Current, ongoing environmental shift
  3. __________ of Mass Destruction
  4. Body of people united by common ancestry, culture, etc.
  5. 1900 - 1999 was the __________ century
  6. Moral principles protected by international law
  7. Eradication of an entire ethnic or racial group

15 Clues: __________ of Mass DestructionCurrent, ongoing environmental shiftBusiness of buying and selling items1900 - 1999 was the __________ centuryStudy of the physical features of the EarthPerson forced to leave their home or countryMovement of people from one place to anotherMoral principles protected by international law...

GeoSHAPE II 2017-08-07

GeoSHAPE II crossword puzzle
  1. the act of making something
  2. related to weather and temperature of a place
  3. related to the study of land, landforms, climate, and so on
  4. related to the past
  5. the name of a cultural/bloodline group, i.e. French
  6. related to groups of people
  7. related to a career or jobs
  8. related to our surroundings, spelled with iron
  9. related to the original people of a place
  1. in a relaxed way
  2. to move something from place to place or person to person
  3. surface features of a place
  4. the study of beauty in the arts
  5. the type of natural materials that are directly taken from the land, before processing
  6. the act of using something up
  7. related to economics
  8. the (most advanced) stage of a peopleʻs social development
  9. related to power
  10. an issue people strong disagree on

19 Clues: in a relaxed wayrelated to powerrelated to the pastrelated to economicsthe act of making somethingsurface features of a placerelated to groups of peoplerelated to a career or jobsthe act of using something upthe study of beauty in the artsan issue people strong disagree onrelated to the original people of a place...

NEARSletter 2024-01-12

NEARSletter crossword puzzle
  1. EATS stands for Environmental Assessment Training _______
  2. The Peanut Corporation of America outbreak from 2008 implicated peanut butter as the contaminated food and was due to what pathogen?
  3. C9 is contamination from infectious food worker through _____ contact with food
  4. State where the 2024 NEARS Users Meeting will be (hint: check the first page of the NEARSletter)
  5. The last name of the lead for the CDC NEARS team
  1. The 5 environmental antecedent categories are people, equipment, economics, food and ________
  2. This ingredient was in the applesauce products recently investigated by FDA that was contaminated by lead and chromium
  3. The Jack in the Box outbreak from 1992 was due to what pathogen?
  4. This pathogen is typically spread by ill food workers

9 Clues: The last name of the lead for the CDC NEARS teamThis pathogen is typically spread by ill food workersEATS stands for Environmental Assessment Training _______The Jack in the Box outbreak from 1992 was due to what pathogen?C9 is contamination from infectious food worker through _____ contact with food...

chapter 12 2017-04-19

chapter 12 crossword puzzle
  1. evolution Economics system which t A naturalist and stated that animals went through natural selection
  2. Desires limited government in order to protect individual liberties
  3. Economics system which the government owns and controls some means of production such as factories and utilities
  4. A new European order in which no single power was able to dominate
  5. darwin A process by which changes in the genetic composition of populations of organisms occur in response to environmental changes
  1. Maintained tradition and social stability, belief in the Divine Right of Kings
  2. Russian leader that unified Germany
  3. Desires limited government in order to protect individual liberties
  4. The idea to rely on the military to get stuff for their country
  5. The first crude steam powered machine was built by Thomas Savery, of England, in 1698

10 Clues: Russian leader that unified GermanyThe idea to rely on the military to get stuff for their countryA new European order in which no single power was able to dominateDesires limited government in order to protect individual libertiesDesires limited government in order to protect individual liberties...

Stem Skills 2021-09-14

Stem Skills crossword puzzle
  1. business-Business economics is a field of applied economics that studies the financial, organizational, market-related, and environmental issues faced by corporations. Business economics encompasses subjects such as the concept of scarcity, product factors, distribution, and consumption.
  2. literacy-An individual's understanding, skills and motivation to make responsible decisions that considers his or her relationships to natural systems, communities and future generations.
  3. awareness - you enjoy developing an understanding of different nations and cultures and respecting and working effectively with people from all backgrounds, cultures, and religions.
  4. The imparting or exchanging of information or news
  5. thinking-the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment.
  6. literacy- degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information needed to make appropriate health decisions.
  1. first, typical or preliminary model of something, especially a machine, from which other forms are developed or copied.
  2. The action of the process of innovating
  3. examination of the elements or structure of something.

9 Clues: The action of the process of innovatingThe imparting or exchanging of information or newsexamination of the elements or structure of something.thinking-the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment.first, typical or preliminary model of something, especially a machine, from which other forms are developed or copied....

Agronomy 342 2023-11-07

Agronomy 342 crossword puzzle
  1. a movement that promotes fair and sustainable trading relationships
  2. study of production, distribution and consumption of goods
  3. natural world and impact of human activity on its condition
  4. holistic approach to agriculture production that reconcile the needs of farmers, consumers and the environment
  5. biological community of interacting organisms
  1. compound or substance that has been purified
  2. produce a natural, agriculture or industrial product
  3. period of technology that increased crop yields
  4. upper layer of earth in which plants grow
  5. the science and practice of farming

10 Clues: the science and practice of farmingupper layer of earth in which plants growcompound or substance that has been purifiedbiological community of interacting organismsperiod of technology that increased crop yieldsproduce a natural, agriculture or industrial productstudy of production, distribution and consumption of goods...

Economics 2022-06-09

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. meaning of ends as per Prof robbins
  2. book written by adam smith
  3. Alternative name of Microeconomics
  4. Gave the Scarcity definition of Economics
  5. a man who does all activities for his interest
  1. Father of Economics
  2. Alfred Marshals definition of economics
  3. greek words for economics
  4. Adam smith definition of economics
  5. paterson first american economist to win ____ prize
  6. author of "Principles of Economics"
  7. Economics is the study of ____ as per alfred Marshal

12 Clues: Father of Economicsgreek words for economicsbook written by adam smithAlternative name of MicroeconomicsAdam smith definition of economicsmeaning of ends as per Prof robbinsauthor of "Principles of Economics"Alfred Marshals definition of economicsGave the Scarcity definition of Economicsa man who does all activities for his interest...

Economics Crossword 2021-02-04

Economics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. an area of economics that studies the financial impact of environmental policies
  2. a chemical, biological or radioactive weapon capable of causing widespread death and destruction
  3. conflict a clash between two or more contending ethnic groups; can be political, social, economic or religious
  4. the branch of economics concerned with the study of entire economies at the national and global level; individual decisions are too small to see and big patterns become visible
  5. theory of shielding a country's domestic industries from foreign competition by taxing imports
  6. the branch of economics concerned with individual households and businesses and the decisions they face
  7. looks at how many people who are actively searching for a job are unable to find one
  8. items (usually tangible) that are purchased by consumers
  9. the difference in total value between payments into and out of a country over a certain period
  10. an excess of commodity exports over commodity imports
  1. the spread of nuclear weapons/ weapons technology and fissile material to countries that don't yet posses them
  2. the study of the role of the government in the economy
  3. economic theory that trade generates wealth and is stimulated by the accumulation of profitable balances
  4. a collection of theories regarding value, price, supply, demand, and distribution, which conclude that the best action a government take is to allow the market to self regulate (laissez faire)
  5. an excess of commodity imports over commodity exports
  6. the business activity of accepting and safeguarding money owned by other individuals, and then lending out this money in order to make more money
  7. activities provided by other people (i.e. paying someone to file your taxes) which consumers purchase
  8. relations the study of the relations of states with each other and with international organizations and certain subnational entities
  9. when the purchasing power of money falls as a result of something like overprinting
  10. the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders

20 Clues: an excess of commodity imports over commodity exportsan excess of commodity exports over commodity importsthe study of the role of the government in the economyitems (usually tangible) that are purchased by consumersthe exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders...

EDUCATION 2023-03-04

EDUCATION crossword puzzle
  1. period
  2. skill
  3. campus
  4. feedback
  5. seldf-educated
  6. degree
  7. essay
  8. focus
  9. assessment
  10. timetable
  11. trainee
  12. department
  13. scholarship
  14. postgraduate
  1. kindergarten
  2. mark
  3. college
  4. undergraduate
  5. subject
  6. curriculum
  7. term
  8. economics
  9. break
  10. accounting
  11. support

25 Clues: marktermskillessayfocusbreakperiodcampusdegreecollegesubjecttraineesupportfeedbacktimetableeconomicscurriculumassessmentdepartmentaccountingscholarshipkindergartenpostgraduateundergraduateseldf-educated

SOCIAL SCIENCE-8 2023-06-12

SOCIAL SCIENCE-8 crossword puzzle
  1. The study of the economy as a whole.
  2. The study of the Earth's physical features and climate.
  3. STUDIES The study of the Earth's human population and its impact on the environment.
  4. The study of political systems, governments, and power.
  5. Large marsupial
  6. Flying mammal
  1. A system of government in which power is vested in the people.
  2. The study of the relationship between society and individuals.
  3. Man's best friend
  4. The study of social groups and social interactions.
  5. The study of society and human behavior.
  6. Likes to chase mice
  7. The study of the past through written records.
  8. Has a trunk
  9. The shared beliefs, values, and customs of a group of people.
  10. The study of the production, consumption, and distribution of goods and services.

16 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase miceThe study of the economy as a whole.The study of society and human behavior.The study of the past through written records.The study of social groups and social interactions.The study of the Earth's physical features and climate....

Ecology and Species Interactions 2023-11-17

Ecology and Species Interactions crossword puzzle
  1. ecological role and space that an organism occupies within an ecosystem
  2. partitioning differentiation of niches, both in space and time, that enables similar species to coexist in a community
  3. a +/- relationship between two organisms where one leeches off the other and the nonleeched is a host
  4. interactions between individuals of different species
  5. level of environmental organization made of communities and the physical environment
  6. nonliving factors (physical or chemical)
  7. physiological changes that occur in individual organisms in response to environmental changes
  8. the study of interactions of organisms with each other and with their environment
  9. genetic changes that occur across generations in response to environmental changes over the long-term
  10. level of environmental organization made of all biomes on earth
  1. a -/- relationship between two organisms
  2. genotype has the capacity to produce different phenotypes depending on the environmental conditions
  3. level of environmental organization; # of species
  4. interactions between individuals of the same species
  5. level of environmental organization made of interbreeding individuals of the same species
  6. living factors
  7. level of environmental organization made of the unique climate and biological features of an area
  8. a -/0 relationship between two organisms
  9. a +/0 relationship between two organisms
  10. base level of environmental organization
  11. a +/- relationship between two animals where one animal is generally consumed
  12. a +/+ relationship between two organisms
  13. a +/- relationship between two organisms where one organism is generally consumed

23 Clues: living factorsa -/- relationship between two organismsa -/0 relationship between two organismsa +/0 relationship between two organismsbase level of environmental organizationnonliving factors (physical or chemical)a +/+ relationship between two organismslevel of environmental organization; # of species...

Microeconomics 1 2021-06-08

Microeconomics 1 crossword puzzle
  1. welfare definition to economics
  2. economics based on value judgements
  3. branch of economics that studies individual units
  4. Reward for enterprise
  5. Reward for labour •
  1. Gifts from Nature •
  2. branch that studies aggregates
  3. father of economics
  4. reward for capital •
  5. economics based on facts
  6. Reward for land •
  7. Man made resource •

12 Clues: Reward for land •Gifts from Nature •father of economicsMan made resource •Reward for labour •reward for capital •Reward for enterpriseeconomics based on factsbranch that studies aggregateswelfare definition to economicseconomics based on value judgementsbranch of economics that studies individual units

Connor's Conomics Crossword 2014-04-03

Connor's Conomics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the materials a firm needs to product it's goods, basic, unchanged
  2. Flowing from firms to households in the five-sector model
  3. Why Jesus might open a bank
  4. e.g. land, labour, capital and enterprise-production
  5. our teacher's first name
  6. this must happen to sustain humans over time
  7. relating to the environment
  8. for economic growth injections to be greater than ______
  1. The way in which goods are produced
  2. more people in urban areas leads to a _______ of businesses
  3. globalisation results in a global _____ economy
  4. a high amount of ____ results in a better market
  5. why there are McDonald's in Saudi Arabia
  6. it is possible for a technology to ______
  7. the author of our economics textbook
  8. How much a product costs
  9. smaller productiojn runs may become _____
  10. technological change has led to firms producing goods more ____
  11. A contributing factor that is employed with economic growth

19 Clues: our teacher's first nameHow much a product costsWhy Jesus might open a bankrelating to the environmentThe way in which goods are producedthe author of our economics textbookwhy there are McDonald's in Saudi Arabiait is possible for a technology to ______smaller productiojn runs may become _____this must happen to sustain humans over time...

Connor's Conomics Crossword 2014-04-03

Connor's Conomics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. globalisation results in a global _____ economy
  2. a high amount of ____ results in a better market
  3. The way in which goods are produced
  4. why there are McDonald's in Saudi Arabia
  5. the materials a firm needs to product it's goods, basic, unchanged
  6. the author of our economics textbook
  7. Flowing from firms to households in the five-sector model
  8. this must happen to sustain humans over time
  9. it is possible for a technology to ______
  10. smaller productiojn runs may become _____
  11. relating to the environment
  1. Why Jesus might open a bank
  2. e.g. land, labour, capital and enterprise-production
  3. A contributing factor that is employed with economic growth
  4. our teacher's first name
  5. How much a product costs
  6. technological change has led to firms producing goods more ____
  7. for economic growth injections to be greater than ______
  8. more people in urban areas leads to a _______ of businesses

19 Clues: our teacher's first nameHow much a product costsWhy Jesus might open a bankrelating to the environmentThe way in which goods are producedthe author of our economics textbookwhy there are McDonald's in Saudi Arabiait is possible for a technology to ______smaller productiojn runs may become _____this must happen to sustain humans over time...

ISO 14001: Terms and Definitions 2015-01-14

ISO 14001: Terms and Definitions crossword puzzle
  1. Environmental____________: Overall intentions and direction of an organization related to its environmental performance as formally expressed by top management [ISO 14001:2004 - 3.11].
  2. Environmental___________: Detailed performance requirement, applicable to the organization or parts thereof, that arises from the environmental objectives and that needs to be set and met in order to achieve those objectives [ISO 14011:2004 - 3.1].
  3. Environmental____________:Overall environmental goal, consistent with the environmental policy, that an organization sets itself to achieve. [ISO 14001:2004 - 3.9]. Revision Date: Section: D Page: 6 of 3
  4. _________ : Action Action to eliminate the cause of a potential nonconformity or other undesirable potential situation [ISO 14001:2004 – 3.17].
  5. Distinguishing feature [ISO 9000:2000 - 3.5.1].
  6. Environmental_____________: Measurable results of an organization’s management of its environmental aspects [ISO 14001:2004 - 3.10].
  7. Set of interrelated or interacting activities which transforms inputs into outputs [ISO 9000:2000- 3.4.1].
  8. Environmental ___________: Element of an organization’s activities, products or services that can interact with the environment.
  9. Person with the competence to conduct an audit [ISO 14001:2004 – 3.1].
  10. Environmental ___________: Any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an organization’s environmental aspects [ISO 14001:2004 - 3.7].
  11. Document stating results achieved or providing evidence of activities performed [ISO 14001:2004 – 3.20].
  12. ____________ Improvement :Recurring process of enhancing the environmental management system in order to achieve improvements in overall environmental performance consistent with theorganization’s environmental policy [ISO 14001:2004 -3.2].
  1. Information and its supporting medium [ISO 14001:2004 – 3.4].
  2. demonstrated ability to apply knowledge and skills[ISO 9000:2000 – 3.9.12]..
  3. Result of a process.( 1 There are four generic categories of ________: 1) Services, 2) Software, 3) Hardware, 4) Processed materials) [ISO 9000:2000 - 3.4.2].
  4. Non-fulfillment of a requirement [ISO 14001:2004 – 3.15].
  5. __________ Party :Person or group concerned with or affected by the environmental performance of an organization [ISO 14001:2004 - 3.13].
  6. ___________ Action: Action to eliminate the cause of a detected nonconformity or other undesirable situation [ISO 14001:2004 – 3.3].
  7. (Abbreviation) Part of an organization’s management system used to develop and implement its environmental policy and manage its environmental aspects. [ISO 14001:2004 - 3.8].
  8. Surroundings in which an organization operates, including air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, humans, and their interrelation [ISO 14001:2004 - 3.5].
  9. Internal _______:Systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which the environmental management system audit criteria set the organization are fulfilled [ISO 14001:2004 - 3.14].
  10. Specified way to carry out an activity or process [ISO 14001:2004 – 3.19].

22 Clues: Distinguishing feature [ISO 9000:2000 - 3.5.1].Non-fulfillment of a requirement [ISO 14001:2004 – 3.15].Information and its supporting medium [ISO 14001:2004 – 3.4].Person with the competence to conduct an audit [ISO 14001:2004 – 3.1].Specified way to carry out an activity or process [ISO 14001:2004 – 3.19]....

Economics 2021-02-04

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. something that has grown or is growing
  2. the number or proportion of unemployed people
  3. Relations, study of the interaction of nation-states and non-governmental organizations in fields such as politics, economics, and security
  4. economics, study of how the allocation of resources and goods affects social welfare
  5. national entities, Administrative division, all administrative divisions are under the national level
  6. Supply, total value of money available in an economy at a point of time
  7. merchandise or possessions
  8. economics, study of the labor force as an element in the process of production
  9. economics, the economic study of urban areas
  10. surplus, the amount by which the value of a country's exports exceeds the cost of its imports
  11. the part of economics concerned with single factors and the effects of individual decisions
  1. the part of economics concerned with large-scale or general economic factors, such as interest rates and national productivity
  2. the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims
  3. a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money
  4. proliferation, spread of nuclear weapons, fissionable material, and weapons-applicable nuclear technology and information to nations not recognized as "Nuclear Weapon States" by the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
  5. the theory or practice of shielding a country's domestic industries from foreign competition by taxing imports
  6. belief in the benefits of profitable trading; commercialism
  7. organization, a field of economics dealing with the strategic behavior of firms, regulatory policy, antitrust policy and market competition
  8. conflict, caused or justified by differences in religion.
  9. finance, the study of government activities, which may include spending, deficits and taxation

20 Clues: merchandise or possessionssomething that has grown or is growingeconomics, the economic study of urban areasthe number or proportion of unemployed peopleconflict, caused or justified by differences in religion.belief in the benefits of profitable trading; commercialisma general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money...

Economics 2023-01-02

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. principal
  2. demand
  3. recession
  4. exports
  5. inflation
  6. disposable income
  7. imports
  8. communism
  9. capital gain
  10. unemployment
  11. money
  12. labor
  13. deficit
  14. economics
  15. asset
  1. wage
  2. bankruptcy
  3. socialism
  4. debt
  5. bondmarket
  6. tax
  7. franchise
  8. entrepreneur
  9. price controls
  10. interestrate
  11. capital
  12. free trade
  13. asset

28 Clues: taxwagedebtmoneylaborassetassetdemandexportsimportscapitaldeficitprincipalsocialismrecessioninflationfranchisecommunismeconomicsbankruptcybondmarketfree tradeentrepreneurinterestratecapital gainunemploymentprice controlsdisposable income

Economics 2023-06-22

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. something that has grown or is growing
  2. the number or proportion of unemployed people
  3. Relations, study of the interaction of nation-states and non-governmental organizations in fields such as politics, economics, and security
  4. economics, study of how the allocation of resources and goods affects social welfare
  5. national entities, Administrative division, all administrative divisions are under the national level
  6. Supply, total value of money available in an economy at a point of time
  7. merchandise or possessions
  8. economics, study of the labor force as an element in the process of production
  9. economics, the economic study of urban areas
  10. surplus, the amount by which the value of a country's exports exceeds the cost of its imports
  11. the part of economics concerned with single factors and the effects of individual decisions
  1. the part of economics concerned with large-scale or general economic factors, such as interest rates and national productivity
  2. the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims
  3. a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money
  4. proliferation, spread of nuclear weapons, fissionable material, and weapons-applicable nuclear technology and information to nations not recognized as "Nuclear Weapon States" by the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
  5. the theory or practice of shielding a country's domestic industries from foreign competition by taxing imports
  6. belief in the benefits of profitable trading; commercialism
  7. organization, a field of economics dealing with the strategic behavior of firms, regulatory policy, antitrust policy and market competition
  8. conflict, caused or justified by differences in religion.
  9. finance, the study of government activities, which may include spending, deficits and taxation

20 Clues: merchandise or possessionssomething that has grown or is growingeconomics, the economic study of urban areasthe number or proportion of unemployed peopleconflict, caused or justified by differences in religion.belief in the benefits of profitable trading; commercialisma general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money...

Economic Terms 2024-01-29

Economic Terms crossword puzzle
  1. study of economic decisions made by consumers and producers
  2. Process of changing raw materials into economic goods
  3. study of how things are bought and sold
  4. Any action one person does for another in exchange for payment
  5. We can never have all we want of every good and service
  1. a person, company, or country that makes, grows, or supplies goods or commodities for sale
  2. A person who purchases goods and services
  3. study of economic decisions that affect the economy of a nation
  4. individuals own businesses to make a profit
  5. environmental resources
  6. Anything used to produce goods and services
  7. the risk taking resourcde
  8. Mental and physical efforts of people to produce goods and services

13 Clues: environmental resourcesthe risk taking resourcdestudy of how things are bought and soldA person who purchases goods and servicesindividuals own businesses to make a profitAnything used to produce goods and servicesProcess of changing raw materials into economic goodsWe can never have all we want of every good and service...

economics 2018-03-18

economics crossword puzzle
  1. something required for survival
  2. a person that studies economics
  3. raw goods
  4. a study of the way an economy uses its scarce resources
  5. the branch of economics that concerns the description and explanation of economic phenomena
  1. the amount that is wanted
  2. a branch of economics concerning the whole economy
  3. a branch of economics concerned with part of the economy
  4. something not required for survival but comforts the individual
  5. a stock or amount of something supplied or available for use.
  6. the measure of how scarce a humans needs and wants are

11 Clues: raw goodsthe amount that is wantedsomething required for survivala person that studies economicsa branch of economics concerning the whole economythe measure of how scarce a humans needs and wants area study of the way an economy uses its scarce resourcesa branch of economics concerned with part of the economy...

Nature of Economics 2022-10-05

Nature of Economics crossword puzzle
  1. A service
  2. The reward for capital
  3. What you have to give up to choose you first best option
  4. Economics, History, Psychology are.......
  5. Something which motivates economic agents to behave in a different way
  6. The reward for land
  7. Human made resources
  8. Caring about future generations
  9. Synonym for salary
  1. The reward for labor
  2. Economics relies on it
  3. Thanks to it factors of production can be better employed
  4. They are necessary to survive
  5. Producing more and faster
  6. The main problem in Economics
  7. Products which are tangible
  8. The reward for entrepreneurship
  9. Social science which studies how humans transform limited resources to get products in order to satisfy their unlimited needs and wants
  10. It comprises both the fertile soil and natural resources
  11. Wood, animals and water are.............resources
  12. Human resources
  13. The purchase of a capital good
  14. They are unlimited and attached to needs

23 Clues: A serviceHuman resourcesSynonym for salaryThe reward for landThe reward for laborHuman made resourcesEconomics relies on itThe reward for capitalProducing more and fasterProducts which are tangibleThey are necessary to surviveThe main problem in EconomicsThe purchase of a capital goodThe reward for entrepreneurshipCaring about future generations...

Economics Crossword Puzzle 2021-02-04

Economics Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the branch of economics that assesses the government revenue and government expenditure of the public authorities and the adjustment of one or the other to achieve desirable effects and avoid undesirable ones
  2. an economic indicator of a positive trade balance in which the exports of a nation outweigh its imports
  3. the decline of purchasing power of a given currency over time
  4. when a person who is actively searching for employment is unable to find work
  5. the policy of protecting domestic industries against foreign competition by means of tariffs, subsidies, import quotas, or other restrictions
  6. the part of economics concerned with single factors and the effects of individual decisions
  7. the study of the relations of states with each other and with international organizations
  8. the economic study of urban areas using the tools of economics to analyze urban issues such as crime, education, public transit, housing, and local government finance
  1. the study of the allocation of scarce resources, including how markets function and how incentives affect people's, businesses' and institutions' behavior
  2. items that satisfy human wants and provide utility
  3. a field of economics dealing with the strategic behavior of firms, regulatory policy, antitrust policy and market competition
  4. a transaction in which no physical goods are transferred from the seller to the buyer
  5. the study of how the allocation of resources and goods affects social welfare
  6. the part of economics concerned with large-scale factors, such as interest rates and national productivity
  7. an field of economics concerned with optimizing the production and distribution of food and fiber
  8. the branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth
  9. an industry that handles cash, credit, and other financial transactions
  10. an economic practice by which governments used their economies to augment state power at the expense of other countries
  11. the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government or the population
  12. the total amount of money in circulation

20 Clues: the total amount of money in circulationitems that satisfy human wants and provide utilitythe decline of purchasing power of a given currency over timean industry that handles cash, credit, and other financial transactionsthe study of how the allocation of resources and goods affects social welfare...

2.02 Cro 2023-02-07

2.02 Cro crossword puzzle
  1. fabrication
  2. utilization
  3. naturalmaterials
  4. resources
  5. value
  6. finalgoods
  7. require
  8. craving
  9. tangibleassets
  10. uncompromising
  11. shortage
  12. quantitydemanded
  13. supply
  14. balance
  15. overage
  1. consumption
  2. resources
  3. trade
  4. desire
  5. deal
  6. helpforconsumers
  7. wish
  8. divide
  9. inquire
  10. flexible
  11. commodities
  12. economics
  13. required
  14. budget
  15. undersupply
  16. cost
  17. peopleoperations
  18. request

33 Clues: dealwishcosttradevaluedesiredividebudgetsupplyinquirerequirecravingrequestbalanceoverageflexiblerequiredshortageresourcesresourceseconomicsfinalgoodsconsumptionfabricationutilizationcommoditiesundersupplytangibleassetsuncompromisingnaturalmaterialshelpforconsumerspeopleoperationsquantitydemanded

environmental safety 2022-09-06

environmental safety crossword puzzle
  1. ___ are equpiment safter as an OBGYN
  2. _____can be an environmental hazard as an OBGYN
  3. _____ is good personal safety to have as a therapist
  4. equipment safety in an ER
  5. is equipment saftey as an OBGYN
  6. used as a travel nurse
  7. can be hazardous while being a therapist
  8. ____ is good to have as a therapist
  9. while picking something up ____ your whole body
  10. equipment saftey as a travel nurse
  11. dont poke yourself or others
  12. environmental hazard used for fillings in teeth
  13. be careful of this environmental hazard working as a travel nurse
  1. lifting heavy things with your knees not your back
  2. equipment safety in the ER
  3. lights can blind patients if pointed in eyes
  4. a chemical environmental hazard in the emergency room
  5. environmental hazard you'd see as a travel nurse
  6. make sure to not ____ while sitting in your chair
  7. equipment safety as a therapist
  8. don't pull heavy objects _____
  9. ____ are hazards to watch for as an OBGYN
  10. a biological environmental hazard in the emergency room
  11. nitrous oxide is an environmental hazard that can be very dangerous if not used right
  12. health games equipment saftey as a therapist

25 Clues: used as a travel nurseequipment safety in an ERequipment safety in the ERdont poke yourself or othersdon't pull heavy objects _____equipment safety as a therapistis equipment saftey as an OBGYNequipment saftey as a travel nurse____ is good to have as a therapist___ are equpiment safter as an OBGYNcan be hazardous while being a therapist...

Environmental 2015-04-08

Environmental crossword puzzle
  1. By implementing energy conservation projects, we are reducing the ________ emissions from generating the electricity that powers our plant.
  2. Used _________ should be poured into the "__________ Recovery" area at column A2.
  3. Never store leaking mobile ___________ outdoors.
  4. the lights we installed in high bay to eliminate safety hazards and drive energy reductions.
  5. What type of waste is collected in the basket next to the IT crib in pattern shop.
  6. When the pattern shop receives new __________, the _________ scrap goes back to the supplier on the same truck.
  7. April 22nd is __________ Day.
  8. Household ___________ Waste Collection day for Genesee County will be on May 2nd, 2015. More information to come.
  1. Acronym for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response.
  2. Spring __________ - where we are concentrating our Wildlife Habitat efforts.
  3. General plant trash is put into the ___________ and then sent out to be incinerated for energy recovery.
  4. Battery buckets for alkaline and lithium recycling are here.
  5. If you see a spill that is an unknown material or one you are not familiar with OR if it is OUTSIDE, call ____________.
  6. A spill that can be easily cleaned up because you know what the material is. You know how to clean it up correctly. And is inside the plant.
  7. All Used Lamps (light bulbs)are boxed and stored here prior to being sent out for recycling.
  8. We have been _________ free since 2007, meaning that we don't send any of our waste to __________ except for construction debris.

16 Clues: April 22nd is __________ Day.Never store leaking mobile ___________ outdoors.Battery buckets for alkaline and lithium recycling are here.Acronym for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response.Spring __________ - where we are concentrating our Wildlife Habitat efforts....

subjects 2013-04-21

subjects crossword puzzle
  1. medicine
  2. history
  3. languages
  4. economics
  5. engineering
  6. design
  7. politics
  1. informationtechnology
  2. literature
  3. management
  4. geography
  5. science
  6. maths
  7. law

14 Clues: lawmathsdesignhistorysciencemedicinepoliticslanguageseconomicsgeographyliteraturemanagementengineeringinformationtechnology

History of Industrial Economics 2023-09-08

History of Industrial Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Competition Knight was instrumental in refining the ______ model
  2. _________ wrote Principles of Economics and also wrote Industry and Trade?
  3. In 1926, ___ questioned the Idea of perfect competition and developed the concept of imperfect market competition.
  4. ___'s work examines the structure of certain British industries in the context of their historical development taking into consideration significant industry trends
  5. the work of Robin Marris was extended further by Galbraith in a quite different framework named ____________
  6. this market structure emerged after product diversification was introduced and focused on power dynamics
  7. the objective of the firm is decided by its _________.
  8. Newman and Morgenson Who coined the term industrial economics for the first time?
  1. which development economist who focused on entrepreneurship, innovation and analysis of competition had a profound impact on contemporary industrial economics.
  2. ___ provided a very clear description of manufacturing industries and the historical pattern of growth they followed
  3. MC= MR is the maximisation of __________________.
  4. The impact of ____ 's work on industrial economics was regarded as the single most important antecedent of contemporary industrial economics because of its contribution to concepts of duopoly, oligopoly etc
  5. conduct performance what nexus was provided by Bain as a framework for industrial analysis?
  6. price Adam Smith regarded that a product has a market price and a ______________.
  7. __ developed new theories on consumer demand based on Chamberlin's theory
  8. There were two schools of thought in industrial economics on the basis of methodological divisions. One school, led by ____, followed an abstract and deductive reasoning to test a hypothesis. The other was the historical school with an inductive approach
  9. ___ was a follower of Smith and expanded on his work to establish conditions for equating price and average cost.
  10. Adam Smith's contribution to the field of industrial economics is the analysis of product ____

18 Clues: MC= MR is the maximisation of __________________.the objective of the firm is decided by its _________.__ developed new theories on consumer demand based on Chamberlin's theory_________ wrote Principles of Economics and also wrote Industry and Trade?Competition Knight was instrumental in refining the ______ model...

World Cultures Units 7, 8, and 9 2021-12-06

World Cultures Units 7, 8, and 9 crossword puzzle
  1. An expression of creativity
  2. Written material such as books
  3. A period of celebration
  4. To educate and teach skills
  5. Big ideas about life and it's meaning
  6. A government that is ruled by a religious leader or group.
  7. Cultural ________ may occur between religions and nationality.
  8. New ideas and technology
  9. Multiple cultures
  10. Beginning of the Jewish New Year.
  11. Common _______ that unify a cultural region are: Geography, Climate, History, Government & Economics, and Culture.
  12. Music, art, dance, and drama are creative _________.
  13. Another word for fighting
  1. Believes in Buddha and that believers seek to escape the cycle of rebirth and achieve a state of hippieness.
  2. Planning, designing, and constructing buildings
  3. Cultural _________ are influenced by factors such as technology, environmental changes, new ideas, and diffusion of customs and ideas from one place to another.
  4. Control resources, what will be produced and how it will be distributed.
  5. The belief in one god.
  6. A ________ region is a way of dividing the world into areas of a particular form of government, religion, or traditions
  7. Believes in God and faith in Jesus Christ.
  8. The belief in a superhuman controlling power
  9. Journey to a sacred location
  10. Famine and drought cause people to _________ to a better location.
  11. Cultural ________ is when parts of one culture become part of another culture
  12. Current events and ideas.
  13. The status of belonging to a particular nation
  14. When cultures are working together toward a common goal.
  15. Long-term weather patterns in a region
  16. The group that is needed to pass on genes, nurture, and teach community values.

29 Clues: Multiple culturesThe belief in one god.A period of celebrationNew ideas and technologyCurrent events and ideas.Another word for fightingAn expression of creativityTo educate and teach skillsJourney to a sacred locationWritten material such as booksBeginning of the Jewish New Year.Big ideas about life and it's meaning...

Blob 2022-11-01

Blob crossword puzzle
  1. Labor
  2. Goods
  3. Butter
  4. Economics
  5. Tradeoffs
  6. Land
  7. Want
  1. OC
  2. Service
  3. Guns
  4. Scarcity
  5. Need
  6. Capital
  7. Shortage

14 Clues: OCGunsNeedLandWantLaborGoodsButterServiceCapitalScarcityShortageEconomicsTradeoffs

The Who's Who in Economics 2024-03-09

The Who's Who in Economics crossword puzzle
  1. This economist is credited for awakening the Sleeping Giant
  2. An ardent follower of Adam Smith and a key figure in classical economics
  3. This economist said 'information is asymmetric'
  4. Died a depressed man, some people say its because no one followed his theory
  5. Proponent of the Austrian School of Economics
  6. A South Asian Economist who's work includes welfare and development economics
  7. Author of 'The Road to Serfdom'
  1. Father of Modern Macroeconomics
  2. Economist who developed the Coase Theorem
  3. Discovered everyones favourite 'Phillips Curve'
  4. This professor would probably tell you that the opportunity cost of you doing this crossword is...let's not talk about it
  5. Founder of Monetarism
  6. Wrote a book titled 'The Wealth of Nations'
  7. Nobel laureate who liked theorising about games
  8. Integrated psychology and economics and came up with 'Behavioural Economics'

15 Clues: Founder of MonetarismFather of Modern MacroeconomicsAuthor of 'The Road to Serfdom'Economist who developed the Coase TheoremWrote a book titled 'The Wealth of Nations'Proponent of the Austrian School of EconomicsDiscovered everyones favourite 'Phillips Curve'This economist said 'information is asymmetric'...

Blue Devil Teachers, A-M 2019-01-18

Blue Devil Teachers, A-M crossword puzzle
  1. Teaches AP Calculus, but only AB
  2. Teaches French 1 and 2
  3. Redhead (according to him) whose favorite restaurant is Chipotle
  4. Teaches AP Environmental Science in the lowest numbered classroom in the school
  5. Teaches AP and non-AP US History
  6. Teaches both AP Gov and Economics
  7. Teaches Zoology and Forensic Science
  8. Spent 17 days in Europe for college credit
  9. Worked first job at GameStop
  10. Teaches AP Seminar
  11. She played clarinet, which is ironic to her because it is in the band
  12. The Lady of Room 220
  13. Married to a Peruvian woman
  14. The 2nd floor American Literature teacher
  15. According to her, the only black teacher with freckles
  16. Going to Scotland during Spring Break 2019
  17. Has a Star Wars sign of his name outside his door
  18. Teaches all AP Calculus levels
  19. Was an All Bi-City Baseball player
  1. Loves Michigan State University
  2. Teaches Mythology
  3. Sponsor of Yoga Club
  4. Teaches art in room 15 squared
  5. Head Coach of CHS team
  6. Refers to her class as "Camp Pleasure"
  7. Coach/Manager of CHS baseball team
  8. Famous quotes such as "Cell phones — Worst inventions ever"
  9. Played in a piano duet at the 2018 Winter Choir Concert
  10. The Lady of Room 103
  11. Teaches AP Psychology exclusively
  12. Head of track team
  13. Was a dancer for 14 years
  14. Played college basketball at Shooting Guard
  15. Academic Decathlon Coach
  16. Long bearded Economics teacher
  17. Teaches both AP Human Geography and AP World History
  18. Newest athletics coach
  19. Teaches both AP and Honors Chemistry

38 Clues: Teaches MythologyHead of track teamTeaches AP SeminarSponsor of Yoga ClubThe Lady of Room 103The Lady of Room 220Teaches French 1 and 2Head Coach of CHS teamNewest athletics coachAcademic Decathlon CoachWas a dancer for 14 yearsMarried to a Peruvian womanWorked first job at GameStopTeaches art in room 15 squaredLong bearded Economics teacher...

Blue Devil Teachers, A-M 2019-01-18

Blue Devil Teachers, A-M crossword puzzle
  1. Refers to her class as "Camp Pleasure"
  2. Coach/Manager of CHS baseball team
  3. Was a dancer for 14 years
  4. The Lady of Room 220
  5. The Lady of Room 103
  6. Head of track team
  7. Teaches all AP Calculus levels
  8. Academic Decathlon Coach
  9. The 2nd floor American Literature teacher
  10. Teaches both AP and Honors Chemistry
  11. Played college basketball at Shooting Guard
  12. Played in a piano duet at the 2018 Winter Choir Concert
  13. Worked first job at GameStop
  14. Loves Michigan State University
  15. Sponsor of Yoga Club
  16. Teaches both AP Gov and Economics
  17. Newest athletics coach
  18. Teaches art in room 15 squared
  1. Teaches AP Calculus, but only AB
  2. Teaches AP and non-AP US History
  3. Going to Scotland during Spring Break 2019
  4. Has a Star Wars sign of his name outside his door
  5. Famous quotes such as "Cell phones — Worst inventions ever"
  6. Teaches Zoology and Forensic Science
  7. Married to a Peruvian woman
  8. She played clarinet, which is ironic to her because it is in the band
  9. Teaches AP Seminar
  10. Was an All Bi-City Baseball player
  11. Head Coach of CHS team
  12. Teaches AP Psychology exclusively
  13. Spent 17 days in Europe for college credit
  14. Redhead (according to him) whose favorite restaurant is Chipotle
  15. Teaches Mythology
  16. (Formerly) Long bearded Economics teacher
  17. Teaches French 1 and 2
  18. Teaches both AP Human Geography and AP World History
  19. Teaches AP Environmental Science in the lowest numbered classroom in the school
  20. According to her, the only black teacher with freckles

38 Clues: Teaches MythologyHead of track teamTeaches AP SeminarThe Lady of Room 220The Lady of Room 103Sponsor of Yoga ClubHead Coach of CHS teamTeaches French 1 and 2Newest athletics coachAcademic Decathlon CoachWas a dancer for 14 yearsMarried to a Peruvian womanWorked first job at GameStopTeaches all AP Calculus levelsTeaches art in room 15 squared...

Contemporary History Crossword 2013-05-12

Contemporary History Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A “thawing out” of the Cold War
  2. On of Reagan’s major political allies, people who wanted to reassert American leadership in foreign areas
  3. This was a war that Lyndon Johnson waged in the United States
  4. vs. Wade, this court case dealt with abortion
  5. This resolution allowed Johnson to pour troops into Vietnam
  6. These were bus rides taken down South by northern citizens to test the Boynton vs. Virginia case results
  7. “Openness”
  8. A health program for families and people with low incomes
  9. vs. The Board of Education
  10. Society Laws enacted by Lyndon Johnson that supported healthcare and and civil rights
  1. This scandal caused the resignation of Richard Nixon in 1974
  2. High School, Dwight D. Eisenhower had to send in troops
  3. _____________ Protection Agency
  4. This doctrine opposed the global influence of the Soviet Union, and was once a huge force in American foreign policy
  5. A form of economics that lowers income taxes and capital gains taxes and consumers will be rewarded by cheaper goods
  6. Act of 1964, It outlawed major forms of discrimination
  7. “Publicity”
  8. New _____________, the transfer of power from the federal government to the state
  9. A form of economics that supports tax breaks and believes that wealthy members of society will benefit and the poor members of society will benefit
  10. American ___________ Movement
  11. A national social insurance program
  12. This war was fought in Afghanistan after the 9/11 attacks
  13. A wave of revolutions across a certain area of the world that started in 2010

23 Clues: “Openness”“Publicity”vs. The Board of EducationAmerican ___________ MovementA “thawing out” of the Cold War_____________ Protection AgencyA national social insurance programvs. Wade, this court case dealt with abortionAct of 1964, It outlawed major forms of discriminationHigh School, Dwight D. Eisenhower had to send in troops...

Econ crossword 2022-01-28

Econ crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Microeconomics
  2. Positive Economics
  3. Marginal Benefit
  4. Labor
  5. TradeOff
  6. Goods
  7. Macroeconomics
  8. Statistic
  9. Specialization
  10. consumer
  11. Mixed Economy
  12. Nationalize
  13. Laissez Faire
  14. Cost-Benefit Analysis
  15. want
  16. Profit
  17. Opportunity Cost
  18. Incentive
  19. Communism
  20. Product Market
  21. Factor Market
  22. Global economy
  23. producer
  24. Production Possibilities Curve
  25. Socialism
  26. Underutilization
  27. Centrally Planned Economy
  1. Circular Flow Model
  2. Normative Economics
  3. Factors of Production
  4. need
  5. Utility
  6. Entrepreneurship
  7. econ
  8. Market
  9. Competition
  10. Command Economy
  11. scar
  12. Privatize
  13. Efficiency
  14. Market Economy
  15. Marginal Cost
  16. Traditional Economy
  17. Services
  18. Voluntary Exchange
  19. Consumer Sovereignty
  20. Economic Model
  21. Capital
  22. Capitalism
  23. land

50 Clues: needeconscarwantlandLaborGoodsMarketProfitUtilityCapitalTradeOffconsumerServicesproducerStatisticPrivatizeIncentiveCommunismSocialismEfficiencyCapitalismCompetitionNationalizeMixed EconomyLaissez FaireMarginal CostFactor MarketMicroeconomicsMacroeconomicsSpecializationMarket EconomyEconomic ModelProduct MarketGlobal economyCommand Economy...